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Transparency in Franchising: How HomeTeam Inspection Service Provides a Path to Success

Owners with the home inspection franchise unveil the steps they took to leverage HomeTeam’s support structure and business model and find early success in their businesses.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 2:14PM 07/12/24

HomeTeam Inspection Service, the 200-plus-unit home inspection franchise, has over 30 years of experience, deep knowledge of the industry and a robust franchisee support system. As such, the brand has built a clear pathway to success for its franchisees to follow as they launch their businesses. This, combined with focused efforts from franchisees, allows owners to boost their success early on and build a foundation for a strong future.

HomeTeam has the systems in place to guide a franchisee to success. With a high level of educational support, quality home inspection licensing partnerships, and internal collaboration, we ensure our owners are prepared to provide top-notch service to every client, starting the day they open,” said Director of Business Development Matt Cook. “Importantly, though, franchisees still have to bring something of their own to the table. Home buyers and Agents love HomeTeam because of the value and experience we provide, but it’s the hearts of our owners and their teams that bring that vision to life in each local community.”

Beth Klepper, who spent over two decades in the restaurant industry before becoming a HomeTeam franchisee, has leveraged her grit and determination from the start of her journey. Having formerly worked in training and leadership, Klepper understands the importance of education as it relates to her own knowledge of the business and home inspections, as well as the educational support she provides her clients.

“Really, what it takes to succeed as a HomeTeam owner is to listen to what the leadership team is saying. Their wisdom and guidance is essential to your success in launching your business,” Klepper said. “In the beginning, every single day was one giant learning curve for me, but I just took what they said and embraced it. I really tried to make sure that I was doing everything I could to make my business successful — not trying to look for excuses or take the easy way out.”

While there are market circumstances that impact the demand for home inspections, the success of the business is a direct reflection of what the franchisee is or isn’t doing. For many owners, that’s the beauty of franchising. 

“Last year was a hard year for a lot of people in real estate, but I just kept pushing,” she said. “The biggest thing that supported my success last year was just continuing to push — get out there, sell the business whenever I could and keep saying, ‘I’m going to do this!’”

David Tewell, a HomeTeam franchisee in Tucson, echoed the value of this type of trust in the system and intrinsic motivation to succeed. Tewell moved to Tucson to start his franchise, and he did not have a “backup plan.” He needed to succeed with HomeTeam.

“They’ve done it enough times! Early on, I remember having calls with my coaching team, and they would say, ‘This is what’s going to happen next.’ And I thought, ‘There’s no way they know exactly what will happen,’ but they did,” he said. “It happened almost verbatim. This was really scary for us, because we moved across the country to do this, and seeing just how accurately they were able to guide me through the process just encouraged me to lean into that support even more.”

In addition to taking advantage of the support systems offered by HomeTeam, franchisees who embrace the brand’s culture and purpose can grow to stand out in their markets, building strong relationships with other business partners, real estate agents and satisfied clients.

“What sets me apart and helps me in what I’m doing is professionalism,” Klepper said. “I know how to sound educated. In the beginning, I may not have been the best, most knowledgeable home inspector, but I could still speak professionally about my work. I learned and studied as much as I could to ensure that I knew what I was talking about, and I learned from every experience I had during that first year.”

Committing to ongoing professional development positions HomeTeam owners to be the trusted source of information for prospective buyers, and remaining flexible and accessible throughout and beyond the inspection itself, upholds the HomeTeam image and experience.

Tewell noted just how valuable a thoughtful approach to client relations and business partnerships can be, sharing that he encourages buyers to reach out to him later on should they think of any questions or need clarification regarding the inspection report, even after the home inspection is complete. This way, the client is confident that they don’t have to perfectly remember everything from the post-inspection debrief, and the real estate agent loves that they know their client is in good hands.

This aspect of HomeTeam’s approach is what makes the brand so special, and the franchisees’ ability to fully embrace the interpersonal aspect of the business can empower them to take their franchise to the next level.

“If someone has a question, I’ll answer it. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll call one of my mentors. It seems like that assurance means a lot to my clients,” Tewell said. “That commitment to education and communication is a key part of the HomeTeam model, and when you’re truly embracing that aspect of the work, you’re on track to succeed. Even though every market is a little different, if you work the process, the process will work.”

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