How Integrity Franchise Group Transformed a Family’s Franchise Journey from Uncertainty to SuccessFranchisee Stories

How Integrity Franchise Group Transformed a Family’s Franchise Journey from Uncertainty to Success

Integrity Franchise Group president and consultant Lisa Welko became a trusted advisor and source of support for the Hildenbrand family during a time of transition.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 3:15PM 09/25/24

Navigating the world of franchising can be complex, but an experienced franchise consultant can make a world of difference. This is true for the Hildenbrand family, who reached out to Integrity Franchise Group for guidance on transitioning into franchising. But in meeting Lisa Welko, the firm’s president, they got so much more than just a consultant.

Taylor Hildenbrand initially sought a franchise opportunity for his mother and connected with Welko in the process.

“We met in June of 2021,” Hildenbrand said. “I was looking for a franchise for my mom and stumbled across Lisa. Within two minutes of talking to her, I knew this was someone I could trust. She was so genuine from the start, and I was shocked at how valuable of a resource she could be.”

Although Hildenbrand wasn’t initially seeking a franchise for himself, life threw some curveballs in 2022 that led him to seek a career transition. It was then that he revisited the idea of franchising — this time for himself. 

“I called Lisa and said, ‘Hey, what if this franchise thing is for me?’ And she was right there, helping me pivot,” he said. “What started as something for my family became something for me.”

Welko went above and beyond, getting to know the Hildenbrands so she could truly match them with the brand that made the most sense for them and help them achieve their goals. In particular, she worked to steer them towards brands that weren’t flooded and that had reasonable investment requirements.

“Lisa is more than a consultant — she’s an advisor, a strong voice of experience. She knew which brands to avoid and which ones would work for me and my family’s financial situation,” said Hildenbrand. “I was looking for an existing business, and so she crafted some presentations, reached out to people. She used her connections and her resources to give me something I would have never in a million years thought of, which was Enviro-Master. She helped me understand which franchise made sense and steered me away from ones that didn’t fit with my goals.”

According to Hildenbrand, the experience with Integrity Franchise Group has been life-changing. “My brother is involved in the day-to-day operations, and it’s all worked out really nicely,” he said. “What began as a search for my mom and brother turned into something that has shaped my future too.”

Welko’s support didn’t end with the franchise purchase. Hildenbrand fondly remembers receiving a congratulatory box of Wisconsin-themed goodies from Welko’s home state, along with a mini party popper and Enviro-Master-branded items. 

“We had a little remote party, and when my first son was born soon after, she just wanted to know how my baby was doing,” Hildenbrand said. “She sincerely cares about me and my family.”

Reflecting on his experience, Hildenbrand offers strong advice for anyone considering franchising. “You’d be a fool not to work with Lisa,” he said. “She’s free to you, like a realtor for a home buyer. Why wouldn’t you leverage her world-class experience? Before you make any moves in franchising, talk to Lisa. She’ll be your best advocate and advisor.”

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