Contact Mainland


  • Storytelling matters. Really.
  • Our Technology is the Key to Unlock Your Stories

In yesterday’s storytelling universe, we read a story once. Too bad for that story. Today, that story should have more than one life. Why? You worked too hard to earn it. That’s why Mainland built a researched, collaborative, integrated and data-driven approach to storytelling. We are a multifaceted storytelling business.

First we research. Did you hear about that brand that gave $500 to charity? Probably not. Because that’s not a story. In order to create great content that has the legs for a journey, Mainland first researches the right content to put into our story mapping system. No story is one size fits all. We need to hunt for the great story, build the right framework, and research the right influencer. Then we collaborate with an integrated approach by building the right creative, create a demand for the story, and land qualified ghost leads into your website. And finally, we understand the data to help refine and grow that story.

Our content hubs, powered by our easy-to-use content management system, allow you to tell your stories like you’ve never been able to before. Coupled with actionable analytics and our proprietary AMPD technology, you can promote content that is designed to inspire action to your targeted audiences from a trusted source.

Contact Mainland