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No Limit Agency Gears Up for More Growth, Innovation

CEO Nick Powills looks at fourth quarter and beyond.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSORED 1:13PM 09/24/15

The fourth quarter in business comes last, but there’s nothing slow about it.

“I look at the fourth quarter as our agency’s first quarter, as it is time to knock out any kinks with the current staff and gear up for the next year,” says Nick Powills, chief brand strategist with No Limit Agency in Chicago. “Everything we do in the fourth quarter should dictate the path we take in the coming year.”

Powills says he is enhancing the staff to ensure the agency can compete successfully in 2016.

“We have taken very thoughtful steps toward building the No Limit foundation, so that when we are ready to tell the world about the last agency they could have, we are 100 percent confident in our walk behind that talk.”

The fourth quarter also is a time of travel and conferences in the franchise world. Interacting with clients helps the agency better understand the people and the brand and get to know what makes them special.

“A lot of brands host their annual conferences at the end of the year, which means, our presence is expected,” he says. “When our clients truly look at us as partners, we are able to uncover plenty of great stories and great ideas for helping the brand accomplish its goals, especially from a communications standpoint.”

This year has seen the 1851 Franchise site boost its readership numbers extensively. The young site has reached a healthy 100,000 readers per month. In addition, Powills is preparing to build on that with a second Website focused on the real estate industry — both residential and commercial.

“As we dart into the 4th quarter, we will be preparing the soft launch of our second publication. We have learned a ton about how to operate 1851 over its first three years, and those lessons will certainly be applied to our second publication. I believe that the best way to get better at something is a constant reflection on the past — good and ugly. This way, experience actually counts for something.”

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.