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HOTELS: Navigating the labor market is tough. Here are the strategies needed to attract and retain talent.

The 2024 labor market is presenting significant challenges for entrepreneurs due to a shrinking workforce and the increased prevalence of counteroffers.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 4:16PM 06/06/24

Recent trends in the labor market have led to the creation of a “candidate’s market,” resulting in increased competition for talent. This competition poses an especial challenge for entrepreneurs in need of employees.

In March 2024, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 303,000 new hires, with the unemployment rate steady at 3.8%. Sectors like healthcare, government and hospitality saw notable job growth. Despite this, many who left the workforce have not returned, with projections indicating a decline in labor force participation from 62.2% in 2022 to 60.4% by 2032. Factors such as an aging population, lower birth rates, Baby Boomer retirements and immigration policy changes contribute to these challenges.

Key trends include the rise of counteroffers, which often fail to resolve underlying job dissatisfaction. As a solution, employers must now focus on creating engaging workplaces that offer flexible schedules and opportunities for internal career development. Strategies to attract and retain talent involve creative recruitment methods, addressing the counteroffer phenomenon with transparent conversations and sign-on bonuses, enhancing employee engagement through continuous learning and diversity initiatives, and efforts to develop internal leadership. Recruitment agencies, such as Patrice & Associates, are playing a critical role in identifying and securing skilled candidates. 

While the current market presents its fair share of challenges, especially for entrepreneurs seeking talent, these challenges can be overcome with flexible leadership and a focus on meeting current worker expectations.

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