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Why This Social Worker and Mom Became a Franchisee with Pigtails & Crewcuts

Aiken was worried about not having the right experience to become a franchisee, but soon realized her background as a social worker will help her create a welcoming environment in her children’s hair salon.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 3:15PM 05/24/24

Adelaide Aiken has always had a passion for working with children. As a licensed clinical social worker, she spent her career in various roles, including hospice care, grief counseling and aiding families experiencing homelessness. Aiken never envisioned herself owning a business, let alone a children’s hair salon. However, when her husband Tyler suggested they franchise with Pigtails & Crewcuts, Aiken decided to explore the idea, albeit, hesitantly at first.

“I don’t have a business background, and I don’t cut hair!” she said.

But as she reflected on her skills and passions, the potential of the franchise began to resonate with her. She recognized the parallels between her professional experience and the franchise’s focus on creating a positive, child-friendly environment.

Aiken’s journey into franchising was also motivated by her own children. Her three daughters loved getting their hair cut at Pigtails & Crewcuts. However, after moving to Asheville, North Carolina, four years ago, they struggled to find a similar experience locally. 

“Finding a place to take my children for a haircut was one of the biggest challenges when we moved here because I needed a place where I felt comfortable taking my children with all their wiggles and big emotions,” Aiken said. “Our children love Pigtails & Crewcuts; they would get their hair cut every day if we would let them!”

This personal challenge inspired Aiken and her husband to bring the beloved brand to their new community. They saw a significant need for a child-friendly hair salon in their area and believed they could fill that gap.

“Bringing the brand we love to Asheville felt like the right move for our family,” she said.

Despite her lack of business experience, Aiken found the transition to ownership was attainable with the invaluable support she received from Pigtails & Crewcuts. 

“Franchising sounded great, but I always thought it was for someone else,” she said. “The support has been incredible. With the right franchise and the right people, you certainly have to work hard, but it feels like a family.”

Aiken looks forward to the impact her children’s hair salon will have on her community. 

“We have been to probably four or five locations, just as customers. One of the things that I’ve loved about other locations is that they are staples in their community. Everyone knows about them, loves them and feels welcome there,” she said. 

Aiken hopes her salon will become a similar staple in Asheville: a place where children feel welcome and parents feel confident. As for Aiken’s confidence, becoming a business owner with a brand that she loves has definitely given her a boost.

“Don’t count yourself out,” she advised others considering the transition to franchising. “As an adult, I never dreamed of opening a children’s hair salon. If people from other industries are questioning if they can do this, they can. It’s never too late to start over to create the life you want and the community you want. Anyone with the right attitude and drive can do it.”

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