SMB Franchise Advisors Franchise Information

Contact SMB Franchise Advisors


  • About SMB Franchise Advisors
  • Bob Lewis of Closet & Storage Concepts
  • Philly Pretzel Factory
  • New Franchise Clients
  • SMB's Capabilities
  • How SMB Succeeds
Whether just starting out as a franchise, looking to take your franchise to the next level, or as an established concept looking for best practices, brands want to have consultants with industry experience & who have their backs. In order to properly assess where your brand stands in its lifeline, SMB performs its proprietary 10 point assessment, in which our veteran team thoroughly combs through your brand's assets to ensure you are telling the right story with the right systems, process and execution.
SMB Franchise Advisors has in-depth capabilities to provide assistance across all facets of your franchise business. Whether it is franchise sales and development, training, manuals, operations or financial services, we have the experience and core competencies to help you execute your plan to drive franchise growth.

Our expertise in franchise consulting enables us to base decisions on best practices and knowledge of what works and what doesn't. Our team of dedicated advisors will get to know you and your concept. Understanding your goals, dreams and objectives will enable us to provide a plan to help you grow your business. Most importantly our team will listen, to you, your employees, franchisees and customers so that we can help you optimize current business practices and think outside the box to accomplish the goals of the company.

Executive Q&A

Executive Q&A with SMB Franchise Advisors

Q&A with Steve Beagelman, President & CEO of SMB Franchise Advisors

What about SMB makes it unique within its industry?
When you look at other consultants, they do a good job; they write a good operations manual and create a good FDD. But, the difference with SMB is the great relationships that we bring to the table and the contacts and experience we have in the industry.

What have been some of SMB's most important milestones over the past five years?
We started as a regional franchise consulting firm based in the Northeast. After a few years, people we knew kept contacting us through referrals and asked for us to help them in the Midwest and beyond. A major milestone was taking on a project outside of our area and now the business has boomed and has grown across the U.S.

What plans does the brand have in the coming years (to highlight momentum)?
We plan to continue to evolve throughout the United States with emerging franchisors. In the next five years, we’d like to continue to expand with new franchise clients but also to continue our services to include working with private equity firms with some of our clients.

What types of franchise brands do you typically work with?
We work with emerging franchisors in various industries including food, retail, service, children's education, fitness and pets. We educate them on what franchising a brand actually entails and how becoming a franchisor of a brand is much different than running one of their corporate locations.

We also work with existing franchisors to implement better systems and processes. When franchisees are struggling or a brand has validation issues, we’ll come in and figure out what areas to focus on, educate the management team and help them improve the support to their franchise system.

What do you want potential franchisors to know?
Brands looking to franchise need to be profitable. Franchisees need to make money. If they don’t make money that is a problem. It doesn’t matter how good of an idea you have if franchisees can't become successful. Brands also need to have certain systems in place in order to think about franchising. If the owner has to be at the location every minute of every day, then this is not the time to franchise.

Also, people looking to franchise often think they’re going to make money on the first day they are a franchisor. People need to know they’re probably not going to make money in the first few years. It’s a marathon, it’s not a sprint. It takes time to build a successful franchise system.

Contact SMB Franchise Advisors