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How This Multi-unit Sylvan Learning Franchisee Grew Her Business During the Pandemic

Elizabeth Samartzis purchased her first two Sylvan Learning franchises just months before COVID-19 forced businesses to close across the country. Eight months later, she added a third territory and has watched her businesses not only survive, but thrive.

By Helen Harris1851 Franchise Staff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 1:13PM 02/01/22

When the pandemic was at its height in 2020, Sylvan Learning had to adapt quickly to effectively meet the needs of a dramatically altered learning environment. As the leading provider of personal learning for students in grades K–12, with more than 750 points of presence worldwide, the supplemental and enrichment education franchise was looking for a range of solutions for families in need. The brand succeeded, rolling out innovative technology, new content and delivery channels and doubling down on communication and accessibility for students, parents, teachers and franchise owners, the latter of whom were provided with tools and support to not only continue operating throughout the crisis but even find new opportunities for growth.

One such franchisee is Elizabeth Samartzis, a former project manager at the Walgreens corporate office who initially purchased two resale franchise locations in 2020 in Oak Lawn and Skokie, Illinois, before adding a third in Northbrook, Illinois that opened in 2021.

“I worked in corporate America for over 20 years, but I always really wanted to own my own business, and I was looking for an opportunity I was passionate about,” Samartzis said. “Education and children have always been things I’ve cared deeply about. I was introduced to Sylvan, and the more I learned about it, the more I loved it.”

Samartzis purchased her first Sylvan locations in January 2020, just months before state-mandated closures forced her to shutter the fledgling business.

“That was the worst thing that could happen to a new business owner,” she said. “But we’ve not only gotten through it, we thrived and grew. I think there’s a bigger and greater need than ever for Sylvan, and the franchise was well prepared to meet that need.”

Samartzis pointed to the brand’s suite of cutting-edge technology to explain how the franchise was able to pivot so successfully during the pandemic.  

The company’s ongoing investment in technology solutions and its breadth of content and delivery options (including in-center, in-home and online) has left Sylvan uniquely well positioned to respond to parents’ needs even in times of crisis.

“It’s been a difficult time for families, in particular those with school-age children,” said John McAuliffe, CEO of Sylvan Learning. “The families who rely on Sylvan for their children’s supplemental education have, in many cases, had their lives turned upside down. These families are looking for solutions that allow them to continue to learn at home and to also continue to receive the supplemental education they were receiving from Sylvan. Our franchise owners have risen to the occasion by quickly pivoting to online services and providing support to families and their fellow franchisees.”

With schools shut down, across the country, many children struggled to adapt to distance learning, and supplemental education offerings became more important than ever. In March 2020, Sylvan’s corporate office worked around the clock to roll out virtual teaching over the course of a single weekend. Since then, the brand has continued to innovate and offer a new blend of online, in-person and satellite-location learning opportunities as lockdown restrictions and safety best practices evolve.

“Even though wallets are still a little bit tight, we’re going to see the ramifications of the pandemic in education for years to come,” Samartzis said. “So it really kind of has validated that this was a good decision. If we can get through 2020, we can get through everything.”

Samartzis says because the brand only hires certified teachers, even in an online capacity, the centers remain a trusted source of supplemental education. 

“That sets us apart from a lot of the supplementary educational service businesses,” she said. “Also, Sylvan has invested a ton of money into their curriculum development and the technology platform that we use to test children and deliver that curriculum.”

“The Sylvan Learning system is stronger, more nimble and more united than ever. We have ramped up our already strong training in online education, local marketing and technology for our franchise owners and expanded our reach for families and students,” said McAuliffe. “We are confident we will exit this situation as a company that has transformed itself to better serve every family’s educational needs while helping our franchisees scale and grow to become multi-unit owners like Elizabeth, truly making a difference in their communities.”

To learn more about franchising with Sylvan, visit

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.