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TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Shares Summer Moving Tips as Busy Season Ramps Up

National Moving Month marks the start of the busiest moving season of the year. Here’s how you can prepare.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 10:10AM 05/23/24

With more than 430 locations across the country, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®, the national, full-service franchised moving company, is making major preparations during National Moving Month as it prepares for the busiest moving season of the year. In 1997, May was designated as National Moving Month to mark the start of the busy summer season, when many families take advantage of breaks from school and warmer weather to make their moves.

Last year, systemwide TWO MEN AND A TRUCK completed 47,803 moves during the month of May, and the system is preparing for similar volumes this year.

“This is the time of year people move. They don’t like to move during the winter. Sales go through in the spring, houses start to clear out and moving teams get busy,” said Jeremy Buhrmann, operations manager for  TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Grand Rapids North. “The best advice I could give to anyone preparing to move during the busy season is to be proactive. Reach out to your moving company ahead of time. Do research on the employees; not all movers are background checked and drug tested. Double check their availability and confirm the status of your reservation.”

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK has implemented systems to protect both team members and customers, starting with thorough employee screening that includes a background check and drug screen. The brand also provides robust training for its team members to prepare them for the busy season. 

For customers, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK’s convenient quoting and scheduling system allows for an efficient inquiry, meaning customers can easily get on the schedule and secure their teams ahead of time — Buhrmann recommends doing so three to four weeks in advance. Inquiring ahead of time also allows you to set expectations and adjust accordingly rather than scrambling to do so at the last minute.

“A lot of people are selling their homes and using some of the money they make to cover moving services,” Buhrmann said. “It’s important to take inventory, plan out the packing portion and consider opportunity costs, both financial and time-related. If you’re moving away from your kids or grandkids, that time may be better spent with them. If your furniture is old and will be expensive to move, it might be better to start fresh in your new home.”

As moving families begin these preparations, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK teams nationwide will begin to prepare to support the thousands of people moving both locally and across the country.

How TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Supports Its Teams

“Historically, the summer months are always super busy, so as we start getting busier and ramping up for the busiest move season, we do like to be strategic,” said Johnathan Cuttino, a TWO MEN AND A TRUCK franchisee in Macon. “We talk about concerns like heat illness and prevention, making sure that the guys are knowledgeable about how to recognize and what to do when someone may be feeling ill. We get them mentally prepared for the fact that it’s going to be busy and there will be some longer days. From a management perspective, we’re constantly analyzing the schedule, making sure the truck routes are most efficient and that all of the maintenance on the trucks is up-to-date. We don’t want to have any mishaps, especially when our customers are depending on us.”

As demand increases, Cuttino supplements his team with seasonal employees, providing long-time movers and drivers an opportunity to tune up their own skills while new team members train. This way, he can be confident that every part of the process, from equipment to personnel, is ready for a successful busy season.

Day-of Practices for a Successful Move and Happy Team

While preparation ahead of the moving day can be incredibly helpful, it is just as important to finish strong on moving day. For families being moved, Cuttino shared a few key tips:

  • Plan to move any valuables, like jewelry and collectibles, independently.
  • Move any chemicals, combustibles, firearms and ammunition ahead of time. These cannot be placed on a moving truck.
  • Ensure any children and/or pets are accounted for and have a safe place to stay while the movers work.
  • If you are packing for yourself, ensure all boxes are neatly and securely closed.
  • Make sure there is a clear pathway in and out of the home for everyone’s safety.

Local TWO MEN AND A TRUCK owners are just as dedicated to supporting their own teams on big moving days. For Cuttino, this means providing movers a healthy breakfast, water and fruit for the road, and a team cookout at the end of the day.

“Our entire management staff will make sure that we stay here until the last truck is back for the day — just for camaraderie purposes,” he said. “We want them to know that we’re working as hard as they are, and we’re going to stay here with them until the day is done. We’ll also get the grill going with hot dogs and hamburgers for when the movers start rolling back in, just so they can have something to eat and we can reiterate how much we appreciate their hard work.”

For more information on moving with TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, franchising or to find an open position with TWO MEN AND A TRUCK, please visit TWO MEN AND A TRUCK | The Movers Who Care.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.