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Workout Anytime Franchisee’s Diverse Career Path in Banking and Restaurant Ownership Led Him Unexpectedly to Multi-Unit Gym Ownership

With many of his restaurant staff staying with him for over a decade, Munhall looks forward to providing another great work environment where his team can thrive.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 8:08AM 08/20/24

Brian Munhall has worked in the corporate world for three decades, specializing in banking, financial services and technology. Additionally, he and his wife spent the last 12 years owning a successful restaurant. When their business ownership experience with the restaurant came to an end because of a road-widening project, Munhall found himself seeking a new business opportunity and, through careful research, he found the perfect opportunity with Workout Anytime.

Munhall will be opening three locations with the brand in Georgia, in the Dawsonville, Gainesville and Richmond Hill communities. As a franchise owner with Workout Anytime, Munhall is looking forward to offering his community the chance to improve their fitness, but he is also looking forward to providing a great place to work for his employees.

“What I want to do most with this venture is to give back and serve, particularly focusing on my employees,” Munhall said. “I want to build a team of people and make a difference in their lives.”

1851 Franchise spoke with Munhall about his journey into franchising and his plans for the future.

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Brian Munhall: I spent a long time — 30-plus years — in the corporate world in banking, financial services and technology. My wife and I also bought a small restaurant and ran it for about 12 years. It came to a natural end recently due to eminent domain for a road-widening project. We just got out of that, and were looking for the next opportunity. We really enjoyed owning a small business and that's what led us to focus on opportunities to buy or start a business. Then this opportunity with Workout Anytime came up.

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Munhall: Franchising originally gave me some concerns. Some of them are quite expensive, while others don’t yet have the larger brand name recognition or size that provided the comfort they would be successful.   Also, you have to trust and believe that the franchise knows what they are doing and that their playbook is something you are comfortable in running.   It’s just a hurdle to get over if you haven’t been involved with a franchise previously.  You have to find the right brand that resonates with you.

What I found, though, is that the value can actually be in the playbook and having a process to follow. If you follow that and work toward it, there's a higher likelihood of success than if you're starting on your own. So, it was about finding one that you believe in. That belief can be a passion for something you have or, more importantly, a belief in the leadership above the franchise — what they're doing, their longevity, why they're doing it and who they are. Establishing a base of confidence, trust and respect in them is crucial for believing their playbook will work.

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Munhall: What helped me pick Workout Anytime was the fact that the headquarters is in my backyard. For me, there’s an easy way to connect with people at the franchise level because they’re so close. Once I met a couple of them, I realized the value of that further. We had common acquaintances and a common understanding of the areas and markets because the whole leadership team is in the area. This gave me an immediate sense of trust and respect. 

Outside of that, the simplicity of the model was appealing. The brand name "Workout Anytime" is very specific. You know exactly what you get from a brand perspective. When you go into the clubs, the setup, structure, design, colors are very clean, crisp and appealing.

Additionally, at this point in my life, I have a better recognition of the importance of fitness and staying healthy as you get older. This is something I probably wouldn’t have appreciated in my 20s or 30s, but I have a different appreciation for it now. It's something I want to do and can make a difference not only in my life but also in the lives of others.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth? 

Munhall: The first goal is to get the first location launched and profitable. You need to get the member count up and get everything in place, really get your feet wet and understand how to launch the first one.  It’s about getting up and operating successfully, figuring out what the playbook is and how to execute it. Right now, it's theoretical; I need to make it practical.

Once we get comfortable with the first location, Then it becomes about launching the second and third locations. I have a three-location package, and I want to get those going in short order so it becomes more about running a business than a single local spot.

I am also interested in growth beyond the initial three locations, whether through purchasing existing ones that people decide to sell or opening new ones. This will depend on the time and effort each location requires from me and if I can find the right people to run them locally.

As you expand to two, three, four locations, you need to find trustworthy managers for each site because you can't spend all your time at one. Understanding the time and effort each club requires and finding the right people to help will allow for further expansion.

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Munhall: What I want to do most with this venture is to give back and serve, particularly focusing on my employees. I want to build a team of people and make a difference in their lives. This could be a stepping stone to something different for them, helping them transition from a college student to a full-time worker, or providing them the opportunity to understand business ownership themselves.

For me, the interesting and fun part is building up the team so they can achieve things down the road. I’m a huge believer in business ownership, and I think those of us who are owning our own businesses need to give back and help others who want to do the same. Mentorship is super important and enjoyable for me. If you take care of your staff, they, in turn, take care of your clients.

This approach made us successful in the restaurant industry, which typically has high turnover. We had the same kitchen staff leaders for 12 years, the same general manager for over 10 years and many of our wait staff were with us for six, seven or eight years. One was there for more than 12 years, predating our ownership. This success was due to how we treated them, how we let them operate and how we helped them along the way. They were happy as employees and treated customers well, which encouraged repeat business. That whole narrative is crucial to me.

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Munhall:  Find a way to research and understand the franchise company leadership. Use your network, LinkedIn or whatever resources you have to find out who they really are. The leaders of the franchise will have the biggest impact on your success as a franchisee. If you see a revolving door of people coming and going, that’s not a positive sign. You need to figure out if you have full belief in that leadership team.  Additionally, find current owners of the franchise.   Utilize your network or LinkedIn and make the contacts to ask questions.


Atlanta-based Workout Anytime is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week fitness concept with 190 units across the U.S. Founded by fitness veterans John Quattrocchi and Steve Strickland, the company was formed to provide members with first-class fitness facilities at the lowest cost possible while delivering a profitable and affordable business model to franchisees. Built on the founders’ motto of “think big, keep it simple and do it with integrity,” Workout Anytime is preparing for significant expansion into new territories across the U.S. and Central America by providing opportunities to business-minded entrepreneurs. Franchise opportunities are available, and more information can be found on

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.