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How to Succeed as a Multi-Unit Franchisee: Stephanie Duval, BoConcept

Duval is the owner of two BoConcept locations. Here’s how she grew a successful franchise portfolio.

Stephanie Duval is a multi-unit franchisee who operates two BoConcept units in Southern California. In 2018, Duval and her husband came to the retail furniture brand with over two decades worth of experience in the retail and franchise industry. Since then, Duval has expanded her portfolio to include two locations and recently signed on for her third.

When it comes to what makes her successful as a multi-unit franchise owner, Duval says her industry experience has been key. “When we joined the brand, we were already aware of many of the tasks that would be required to grow the business,” she said. “Being educated in the industry you choose and understanding your individual market is very important if you hope to grow to multi-unit ownership.”

For franchisees looking to grow their portfolio, Duval also notes it is important to think carefully about the future and ensure the franchise opportunity will help you meet your specific goals. “Dreaming big is good, but you need to have the right brand behind you if you want to be successful in achieving those dreams,” she said.

In order to find that perfect fit, Duval says prospects need to prioritize an in-depth due diligence process before investing in a franchise brand. 

“My husband and I did a lot of research before investing in BoConcept,” said Duval. “Since we’d been in the franchising and retail industry for many years, we knew what to look for and had an idea of which brand would allow us to grow. We were also BoConcept customers ourselves, so we knew we loved what the brand offered.” 

Beyond doing the research and understanding the brand, Duval also points to several other important steps prospects should take before signing on with a franchise, including visiting the headquarters and meeting the corporate team.

Overall, if a franchisor is looking to find someone like Duval, she says there needs to be a clear opportunity for a lucrative and mutually-beneficial partnership.

“Prospects need to know there is an opportunity to grow the business together along with the franchisor,” said Duval. “In a lot of ways, franchising is like marriage — prospects will be dedicating most of their time to the business they invest in. That is why they need to not only believe in the product and service, but also feel as though their voice will be heard and that there will always be someone there to support them.”

Watch the full interview above, or click here to watch it on YouTube.

To check out more multi-unit franchisee success stories, click here.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.