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Smoothie King Franchisee and Former NFL Player Josh Martin To Open BooXkeeping Franchise in Denver

After identifying a need for better bookkeeping resources in his own franchise, Martin was drawn to BooXkeeping to provide a solution for himself and fellow business owners in the area.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 8:08AM 07/13/24

After a seven-year run in the NFL, Josh Martin began searching for his next opportunity. He knew he wanted to get involved with something he truly believed in and ultimately partnered with his younger sister, who has a background in quick-service restaurants, to open a Smoothie King franchise in the Denver area. After their first year in business, Martin said they learned that, even though they had made more top-line revenue than they anticipated, “it’s the bottom-line that really counts.”

Noting a desire to bring his franchise’s bookkeeping efforts in-house for more control and a deeper understanding, Martin began seeking solutions. When he found BooXkeeping, the emerging bookkeeping franchise that supports small and medium-sized businesses in taking control of their own bookkeeping, he knew it was the perfect fit.

“It just made sense,” Martin said. “Rather than paying to take an accounting course that will prepare me to manage our bookkeeping, why not invest with BooXkeeping and both make money and help other business owners in similar situations while I learn for myself?”

Now, Martin is set to open his BooXkeeping business, serving the Denver area, later this year.

1851 Franchise spoke with Martin to learn more about his journey to franchising and goals for the future.

1851 Franchise: Frame your personal story for us. What did you do before franchising, and how did you decide franchising made sense for you?

Josh Martin: I was born in Houston but grew up in Denver. I’m the oldest of six kids, and both of my parents are educators, so the values of hard work and education were instilled in me all along. After graduating high school, I played football at Columbia, then I went to the NFL. After tearing my shoulder, I felt it would be a better use of time and effort to invest in something off the field as opposed to continuing to pursue football. I knew I wanted to be in charge and make decisions for myself, and entrepreneurship gave me the opportunity to do that.

A couple years ago, I got a call from my dad about an opportunity with Smoothie King, and we saw the potential, but we ultimately missed the opportunity. I liked what I had seen, so I kept pursuing it, and we ultimately opened a Smoothie King last May. We had a lot of success and even got some recognition within the system for how well we did early on.

We sold a ton of smoothies during that first year, but we quickly learned that it’s the bottom line that matters most. We made some typical entrepreneur mistakes, and that got me looking into our finances. That’s how I found BooXkeeping. I was connected to Max [Emma] via a mutual friend, and it was a natural progression from there. BooXkeeping allowed me to take greater control of my own business and offer that service to others.

1851: What was your perception of franchising prior to becoming a franchisee, and what do you want people to know about franchising now that you are in it?

Martin: The franchise route was attractive because it’s a proven product and concept. The only challenge I saw was that I needed to evaluate the market and ensure my brands would be a great fit.

Ultimately, it’s a matter of engaging the community around the business to spread the word and find success. 

1851: What made you pick this brand? What excites you most about this company?

Martin: There aren’t a lot of competitors that do what BooXkeeping does, especially from a franchisee standpoint. I like the novelty of it, and the opportunity to strengthen my business while growing another is tough to beat.

1851: What do you hope to achieve with your business? What are your plans for growth? 

Martin: I like the idea of servicing large brands. I’m beginning to build a reputation in Smoothie King, and I’d love to tap into those relationships to generate BooXkeeping business. 

Beyond that, for me, this is a learning experience. I don’t have a grand vision, but I know I’d like to learn more about the services and ultimately apply those skills. I’m looking forward to learning as much as possible and helping in a meaningful way.

1851: What is the one thing about your story you want us to know?

Martin: I’m in the business of taking advantage of all the opportunities available to me — not letting them pass me by. I have a high achievement mindset, and having the unique access that an elite education provides, as well as the experience I gained in the NFL, has helped me to apply that in other areas.

I aim to have a track record of excellence. One where I bring people — friends, family, community members, supporters and advocates — along with me. When I can partner with people whose values align with mine, the impact is even greater. That’s what I’m working toward.

1851: What advice do you have for other people thinking about becoming a franchise owner?

Martin: It’s important, I’ve learned, that the franchisor is your partner. They should be providing value. That’s one of the very basic fundamentals of a franchise system. 

Another core requirement is believing in what you’re selling. I’m a big believer in Smoothie King and a big believer in BooXkeeping from firsthand experience, and that belief will help overcome a lot of challenges.


BooXkeeping is a bookkeeping franchise that combines professional expertise with genuine human connection to provide cutting-edge bookkeeping services for small and medium-sized businesses, franchisees, franchisors, CPA firms and more. 

Founded by Max and Elena Emma, two entrepreneurial immigrants with in-depth experience in finance and accounting, the brand’s journey spans over 20 years. Today, with six franchise locations across the country and one corporate location, BooXkeeping has emerged as a unique player in the bookkeeping industry, emphasizing a human-driven approach and personalized service.