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Integrity Franchise Group Offers a More Holistic, Personalized Experience

The franchise consultants at Integrity Franchise Group work to create truly meaningful matches that will empower franchisees to leverage their strongest skills to build a life they love.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 11:11AM 07/08/24

Integrity Franchise Group is a team of dedicated franchise professionals who work to match prospective franchisees with the ideal franchise business for their skills, passions, lifestyle and goals. When working with Integrity Franchise Group, entrepreneurs have a trusted partner who brings rich experience in the franchise space and is genuinely interested in their success.

“It’s kind of a cheesy thing to say, so I almost don’t even want to say it, but I really love this industry,” said Lisa Welko, franchise consultant and founder of Integrity Franchise Group. “This is the only industry where you will get a playbook and someone who will link arms with you and walk with you through your journey. Business ownership allows you to have 100% control over your time, money and destiny. And that’s a big deal.”

To help clients find this freedom, the team at Integrity Franchise Group researches brands, learning more about the business model, leadership team and industries to ensure they have a deep understanding of each opportunity. With this information in mind, they can then explore candidates’ skills and goals to find the optimal fit.

“The fact that our team has so much experience and that we’re devoted, full-time, to our candidates are two major differentiators for us,” Welko said. “We use that experience to inform our research approach and selection process. We’re not just reading a brochure or going to Google and finding candidates a brand that they can identify themselves. We look behind the curtain — at the management team, at potential weak spots in a brand and at the history of that industry.”

By engaging with the experts at Integrity Franchise Group, entrepreneurs can ensure that their investment decision aligns with their current skills and long-term vision. With the help of the neutral third party, they can conduct a fact-based assessment of the opportunities available to them and open their minds to franchises in industries that they might not have otherwise considered.

“We’re not just going to say, ‘Oh, you like medicine? Here are your three brands in medical services,’” Welko said. “We need to get to know their skill sets, their background and where their power lies. What do they love, and what do they hate? Where do you live? Do you want to be ‘geographically agnostic’? How much money do you have to spend, and how much are you comfortable investing?”

There are four main questions Integrity Franchise Group focuses on to inform a true match:

  • What is your background and skill set? Where are you comfortable?
  • What do you love and hate about your job?
  • What kind of lifestyle are you hoping to create?
  • Why are you looking at business ownership right now?

“There are no wrong answers during this conversation, and there’s absolutely no judgment,” Welko said. “Some people want to have employees, some don’t. Some want the time flexibility to go coach their kid’s games in the evenings. Whether you want to have a team of employees, you never want to have to sell anything ever again or you want to have a huge community impact, there’s a business out there for you.”

Through hours of conversation before they even present potential brands to a prospective owner, consultants at Integrity Franchise Group work to understand what they’re passionate about, what they’re interested in and what skills they leveraged in their previous roles. 

For example, someone who was in IT management for years likely knows a lot about technology, but they have the practical skills of a project manager. With this understanding, Integrity Franchise Group can include non-IT franchise opportunities that leverage this skill set, like a home services brand that works with subcontractors.

“If someone can sell medical supplies or a car, in their former career, they can sell a tiny home or a business payroll service as a franchisee,” Welko said. “We’re going to show them opportunities with brands that they never would have thought about, and we’ll give them the reason why they should consider a specific brand — beyond just the fact that they can make a lot of money.”

Throughout the process, Welko said the team is focused on identifying and prioritizing the “biggest boxes” they are trying to check for each unique franchisee. The vast majority of franchisees pursue business ownership as a means to an end. They want to be financially independent, they are tired of reporting to a boss or they want more time flexibility.

“There are so many skills that can be applied to business ownership, and franchising helps people get past that ceiling,” Welko said. “In a standard job, you’re exchanging time for money. The amount of time you have is the ceiling to your growth. But in any job, there are skills that can likely be transferred to business ownership. You’re no longer trading your time for money, and you open up a lot more freedom that way. Regardless of the reasons they’re pursuing this switch, we’re passionate about helping people step away from making this trade-off day in and day out, and we’re committed to helping them find the absolute best vehicle for them to reach that end goal.”

For more information on embarking on your own franchise journey with Integrity Franchise Group, visit