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IDEA Lab Kids Bakersfield Partners with Heartland School District for In-Person Programming

The STEAM-focused supplemental education franchise will provide vouchers to the charter school, which primarily caters to homeschooled children, for free classes and camps.

IDEA Lab® Kids, the award-winning Houston-based education franchise system, offers after-school classes, camps, birthday parties, open labs and much more to children. The mission is simple: help kids to explore their love of science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) subjects outside of the traditional classroom setting.

IDEA Lab Kids in Bakersfield, California is a prime example of how the brand lives up to that mission. The facility recently partnered with Heartland Charter School, a charter school focused primarily on homeschool students, to provide vouchers for annual funds that can be redeemed for the duration of the school year. Students can sign up for mid-day enrichment as well as after school enrichment at IDEA Lab Kids, fostering an engaging and diverse learning environment that complements their homeschooling curriculum.

“The thing that makes IDEA Lab Kids so special is that our program accommodates students of all learning styles and needs,” said Melanie Pitcher, director of IDEA Lab Kids of Bakersfield. “Everyone has a place here; they are all welcome. It’s hands-on and that has proven to be a better way to learn. Being with peers creates a conducive, fun learning environment for everyone.”

IDEA Lab Kids offers a variety of programs for Heartland without restrictions on the number of classes a student can attend. "There are no exclusions. Students can sign up for a range of classes and camps, making it a flexible learning opportunity that suits the unique schedule of homeschool families," Pitcher said. The facility schedules mid-day classes, for example, which are popular among homeschool students, providing additional learning opportunities outside the typical after-school hours.

When it comes to the benefits of IDEA Lab Kids, Pitcher emphasizes the practical aspects of learning through activities like cooking, for example, where understanding fractions becomes natural. 

“Fractions are hard, but the best way to teach them, in my opinion, is through cooking,” Pitcher said. “Baking is an exact mathematical science. If you don’t follow the recipe, your cookie will be disgusting or your bread will flatten. And cooking is an essential life skill, so the benefit is twofold.”

Overall, Pitcher says this partnership between IDEA Lab Kids and Heartland School District is not just about education — it's about building a community that values diverse learning methods and prepares students for the future in dynamic and interactive ways. 

"There is nothing else like this here in Bakersfield — we can offer all five elements of STEAM in a supportive, engaging environment,” Pitcher said. “Especially post-COVID, as the world shifts and educational needs evolve, facilities like ours are essential in supporting academic growth and introducing students to the wider world of STEAM."

As IDEA Lab Kids continues to expand its offerings, it remains committed to providing an inclusive and innovative learning environment for all students.

"Partnerships like this one exemplify our commitment to enhancing education through innovative and inclusive programming," said Devina Bhojwani, president of IDEA Lab Kids. "By integrating STEAM education with practical learning experiences, we empower students to explore and excel in a supportive environment. Our goal is to ignite a lifelong passion for learning in students from all backgrounds, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow with the skills they acquire today.”