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Getting the Scoop Behind the Scenes: Technology in the Restaurant Space

No Limit Agency works with various technology concepts to tell the story of how the restaurant and hospitality industry is leaning on tech to succeed.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 1:13PM 07/09/18

Behind almost every great restaurant concept is an innovative technology platform allowing for operations to flow seamlessly. In order to have a memorable dining experience, the server is attentive and the food comes to the table quickly. But what the diner doesn’t usually realize is that their server is attentive because of customer-facing technology that notifies them as soon as the diner requests something new as well as the seamless communication between a brand’s POS system and back-of-house tablet.

Technology is becoming a crucial component of the restaurant space, but the story is not always told in a way that gives technology the spotlight.

When Omnivore came to No Limit Agency in October of 2016, the company wanted to tell their story of how they are so much more than a universal API that connects various pieces of the restaurant. The concept was started by two Mikes, one with extensive knowledge in API and platform development, and the other with years of experience in security and infrastructure. Together, they created a tool that allows the POS system to communicate with payment, delivery, ordering and many more types of apps. Without this communication, operations would lag or be scattered. But with Omnivore, the real-time communication between all pieces of technology in the restaurant allows for flawless service to the customer. No Limit Agency partnered with Omnivore to make sure that second story was told - what really happened at the restaurant to allow for that great customer experience.

"In searching for a PR firm, we wanted to feel like more than just an account. We immediately noticed the professional and collaborative rapport we had with the No Limit Agency sales and account teams, and knew they were always going to be thinking about how to tell the next story for us," said Tammy Smith, Director of Marketing at Omnivore. "NLA was already in our space. With the right media contacts and restaurant network, we knew the partnership was the perfect fit."

Omnivore allowed No Limit Agency to look at the restaurant and hospitality space through a different lens. Once you see the impact that technology plays in the restaurant sector, you can’t unsee it. In 2017, No Limit Agency continued to grow its restaurant technology client base and partnered with concepts like SimpleOrder and Givex. That momentum hasn’t stopped in 2018, with two new technology concepts added to the client roster: Kallpod and Rosnet.

“When we were identifying the right partner to help us with increasing our brand exposure, No Limit Agency stood out amongst their peers,” said Patrick Bobrukiewicz, Director of Business Development at Rosnet. “We operate a very service driven company and thus expect great service from our partners. No Limit Agency uses both their knowledge and passion for marketing in combination with their service experience to really help you make a difference!”

While food is at the core of a restaurant, the experience a customer has with a brand is dependent on the service. With the use of technology, that service is always a memorable part of the overall dining experience. And now, with five restaurant technology partnerships in its wake, No Limit Agency will continue to tell the story of the technology behind the scenes that is allowing for great dining experiences.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.