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How Lawn Doctor and Mosquito Hunters Are Getting the Most With High-Quality, Humanistic Stories

Vice President of Franchise Development for Lawn Doctor and Mosquito Hunters, Eric Martin, believes the No. 1 thing that sells a brand is its franchisees’ stories.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSORED 2:14PM 10/21/19

In 2018, the home services company Mosquito Hunters joined forces with veteran franchisor Lawn Doctor to provide a variety of high-quality outdoor services to customers. Over the 50-plus years that Lawn Doctor has been around, the brand has expanded its franchise system to more than 600 locations across the country. Mosquito Hunters has also been offering opportunities to aspiring franchisees since 2014 and currently has 50 locations in 18 states. Both companies currently operate under their new parent company, Happinest. The two brands are working together to give homeowners the best backyard experience that’s bug- and weed-free.

While Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor already have  impressive footprints and make their services known to many households throughout the country, the brands are always looking to further expand their services to new markets. Eric Martin, Vice President of Franchise Development for Lawn Doctor and Mosquito Hunters, says that both brands attract franchisees because of their simple home-based business model, which presents candidates with a low cost of entry and low overhead expenses

On top of that, franchise candidates are able to see the success Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor franchisees obtain through the high-value content that 1851 Franchise produces. The simple business model that Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor have established over the years is one that embodies human fulfillment––which is why both brands are the perfect match for 1851 Franchise. 

1851 Franchise understands the importance of telling human-interest stories that resonate and relate to Mosquito Hunters’ and Lawn Doctor’s respective audiences––and according to Martin, this marketing strategy is key to attracting franchisees.

“I’m a firm believer that people buy franchises before they ever talk to the brand,” Martin said. “You have to have content out there that captures a candidate’s attention and allows for a relationship to develop before there's ever any contact between the two of you. Draw people in and show them why your opportunity should be on their radar. If you’re doing that well, they have a better understanding of their fit for the brand, which brings better candidates forward.”

1851 Franchise supports Mosquito Hunters’ and Lawn Doctor’s lead generation strategy by providing the brands with insight-rich content tailored to each stage of franchise development. Content management programs and demographic targeting through social media are both methods that 1851 Franchise use to reach candidates when they’re still in the discovery phase.

“The franchise purchasing process is much longer now,” Martin said. “Your strategy shouldn’t be to rush a candidate. Brands need to maintain a presence and keep the content consistent to capture people when they're ready to absorb it. That way, when they get to you, there's a refined funneling process in place.”

Cassidy McAloon, Senior Account Manager at No Limit Agency and former writer for 1851 Franchise, commends Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor on how well the companies understand the importance of brand awareness and producing high-quality content through a third-party publication, such as 1851 Franchise.

“Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor understand how content plays a role in brand awareness and how to get that content in front of their audience,” said McAloon. “The content 1851 Franchise produces plays a large role in their sales process. They’ve had people come onboard who said they learned about the brands through the articles on 1851 Franchise.”

Along with appealing to the human interest aspect, Franchise Development Manager for Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor, Ron Ens, prides the personal touch that the brands incorporate into their lead discovery process. 

“All communication that comes from us is personalized,” said Ens. “When candidates hop on the phone to learn more about franchise opportunities, they won’t hear the generic, ‘Welcome to Mosquito Hunters from our team.’ The message that the development directors design is created to inform and educate candidates.”

The content created by 1851 Franchise for Mosquito Hunters and Lawn Doctor goes to show that people still crave the personal, human story––and NLA and 1851 Franchise are committed to surfacing just that. 

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.