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How To Find Financing for Your Franchise Business

Franchising is not without its costs, but you don’t have to cover them all upfront. Here are a few financing tips to get started.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
10:10AM 10/30/23

Because franchise ownership can come with a hefty price tag, it often requires new owners to find financing. If you’re wondering where to begin, here’s a closer look at common options and how to increase your chances of finding the right financing for your business. 

Common Financing Options for Franchisees 

One of the first places to look for a financing solution is directly through the franchisor. In many cases, franchisors offer their own financing programs or work with third-party organizations to provide assistance to potential franchisees. 

The Small Business Administration (SBA) also provides three primary business loan programs that are specifically designed to support small businesses, including franchises. These include the 7(a), 504 and microloans. And because these loans are backed by the government, they will usually come with favorable terms and interest rates on the lower end, making them a popular choice among new business owners. 

For homeowners, leveraging home equity financing can also be a viable and flexible option. Home equity loans and home equity lines of credit allow you to tap into the value you’ve built into your property and use it as collateral to secure funds for your franchise venture.

“In today’s market, I find many franchisees are using home equity,” said Colleen O'Brien owner of Franchise For You Consulting and author of “The Franchise Game.” “Home values have grown, and access can be easier than the SBA at times.”

The 401(k) rollover is also common. In this method, retirement funds are used to invest in the new company so there are no early withdrawal or withholding penalties.

“The retirement options typically allow a franchisee to enter the business without debt,” added O’Brien. “This can bring peace to the kingdom, so to speak. For home equity, there needs to be enough available and an income stream to support it.” 

How Franchisees Can Better Secure Funding

Once you've explored the common financing options for franchisees, there are additional strategies and considerations to enhance your ability to secure funding for your franchise business. 

“If a franchisee wants to use financing, follow the same suggestions when buying a home,” she said. “Do not make large purchases, do not pull your credit and do not over-leverage.” 

You can also seek advice from financial professionals who specialize in franchise financing. For example, financial advisors, accountants or consultants with experience in the franchising industry can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of financing.

Developing a comprehensive business plan that outlines your franchise venture's potential for success can also help demonstrate your understanding of the business and reassure lenders or investors about the viability of your franchise. Include detailed financial projections, market analysis and a clear strategy for growth.

Networking is also something that should not be overlooked. Connect with other franchisees, both within the franchise system you are interested in and in the broader franchise community. Attend franchise events, join online forums and participate in networking opportunities. Insights from experienced franchisees can be invaluable, and you may discover financing options that others have successfully utilized.

Finding financing for your franchise business requires a strategic approach that involves exploring various options, seeking professional advice and leveraging your network, ultimately enhancing your chances of securing the necessary funds for a successful franchise business.