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Why BooXkeeping is a Great Franchise Opportunity for Accountants

BooXkeeping offers a unique opportunity for accountants, blending their existing expertise with comprehensive support, innovative client-focused services and a refreshing approach to the bookkeeping industry.

By Luca Piacentini1851 Franchise Managing Editor
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 02/15/24

BooXkeeping, the franchise known for its professional bookkeeping services and a deeply human approach, stands out as an excellent investment for accountants and CPAs looking to expand their careers. Let's delve into why BooXkeeping is not just a business opportunity, but a transformative journey for accountants.

“For accountants, the transition to BooXkeeping is almost natural,” said Max Emma, founder and CEO. “With their grounding in accounting principles and client management, accountants are primed to excel in this franchise. They already have accounting training and they understand the process and what to expect. This makes it a much smoother path for franchising.”

For example, a significant advantage of BooXkeeping for accountants is the alleviation of staffing concerns. 

"Right now, staffing is a huge issue in the industry," said Emma. “BooXkeeping franchises come fully staffed, providing all necessary benefits and IT support. It is optional, but this setup allows accountants to focus more on business development and client relations rather than getting bogged down in operational details.”

Moreover, as BooXkeeping focuses solely on bookkeeping, it complements rather than competes with the tax services offered by CPAs, creating a synergistic relationship. 

“Everybody needs bookkeeping services right now,” said Emma. “Once we secure a bookkeeping client for a franchisee, they have the opportunity to offer additional services like tax and CFO consulting, retaining 100% of the revenue from these services while we receive royalties only from the bookkeeping aspect.”

And BooXkeeping isn't just about numbers — it's about redefining the narrative around bookkeeping. 

"Let's be honest, bookkeeping is usually very boring, but we want to give new life to an old profession," said Max. “BooXkeeping franchisees are not just bookkeepers. They are business owners who understand the trials and tribulations of running a company. They ensure all clients can balance professional and personal development. BooXkeepers are cool, our partners are cooler and our clients are the coolest.”

With the tagline '#CoolBeanCounters,' BooXkeeping infuses a sense of excitement and human connection into the profession. This fresh perspective is particularly appealing to accountants looking for a career that combines professional rigor with personal fulfillment.

“Accounting has the reputation of being square, but to me it is really fun,” said Sofia Bongard, a BooXkeeping franchisee in San Diego who had worked as an accountant before becoming a franchise owner. “You get to know your clients intimately and watch them scale their business. I had one client who quit his corporate job to start his own company from scratch. Six years later, he had driven revenue to over $1 million. It is so cool to know that you helped in that growth.”

These are just some of the reasons why BooXkeeping continues to appeal to accountants and CPAs across the country. The brand just launched a new franchise in Las Vegas with experienced CPAs Jared Frost and Todd Newman, for example. 

“We strongly believe in fielding teams with complementary skills that utilize an iterative approach to offering world-class bookkeeping services,” said Emma. “And we always seek to learn from our customers, the accounting community and our franchisees.”

To incentivize further growth, BooXkeeping offers a unique “conversion franchise” for accountants or CPA firms, where they don't pay royalties on existing accounts. This model is especially attractive for those looking to expand their services without the additional financial burden. Incoming owners will still have access to the brand’s comprehensive franchisee support, including training, sales coaching and executive coaching.

“Overall, BooXkeeping presents a unique, exciting and profitable opportunity for accountants and CPAs,” said Emma. “It's about being part of a community that values each member's journey, making BooXkeeping not just a career move but an exciting life choice for accountants seeking growth and fulfillment.”

For more information on franchising with BooXkeeping, visit: