Big Blue Swim SchoolFranchise News

Bloomberg Radio: Big Blue Swim School Franchise Partner Gary Cohen Discusses a Need for Swim Lessons in the Wake of Local Drownings

With at least 47 deaths by drowning in Massachusetts so far this year, the need for children’s swim lessons is skyrocketing.

By Carley ChanaContributor
Updated 4:16PM 08/04/21

In a recent interview with Bloomberg Radio, Big Blue Swim School franchise partner Gary Cohen spoke about the increase in drownings in the Boston area this year and how children’s swim lessons can address the issue.

According to Cohen, the planning stages for a Big Blue Swim School location in Boston preceded the horrific uptick in drownings, but nonetheless, he hopes to bring a valuable business that teaches a vital life skill to families in the community. 

“The CDC states the risk of drowning decreases by 88% if a child is enrolled in swim lessons when they are young,” stated Cohen. “It is important to teach children this critical life skill in a fun and engaging way that allows them to build confidence.”

Cohen is hoping Big Blue’s key features will encourage parents to enroll their kids in swim lessons. The pools are heated to 90 degrees, and the curriculum was created by highly trained professional instructors who are passionate about the safety of children near and in the water. Even though Boston is a city that has easy access to water, there is a lack of swim schools for children in the area, said Cohen.

You can listen to the full interview here.


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