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Restaurant Business: 5 Pre-Emerging Restaurant Brands Ready for Takeoff

Restaurant industry reporter Lisa Jennings highlights emerging restaurant brands like Chop5, which is expanding through franchising to cater to the growing preference for healthier dining options.

By Chris IrbyCopy Editor
SPONSORED 5:17PM 06/25/24

In a recent Restaurant Business articleLisa Jennings — a veteran restaurant industry reporter — discussed several emerging restaurant brands poised for growth, focusing on their unique offerings and potential for expansion. Among these, Chop5 stands out as a promising salad concept that has weathered initial challenges and is now ready to expand through franchising. 

Founded by Brian Mills and other franchise operators in 2016, Chop5 offers a customizable salad experience where guests can watch their chosen ingredients being chopped and tossed with their preferred dressing. With three company-owned locations in Ohio and Florida, Chop5 is franchising to capitalize on the growing demand for healthier dining options. However, the brand is prioritizing finding the right franchise partners over explosive growth.

“We’re patient,” Mills said. “We all started with relatively nothing, our group. And all have become relatively successful. We want to pay that forward. We want to give that opportunity to other people.”

Brick City Vegan, founded by Adenah Bayoh in 2021, is another notable brand. Bayoh, a former IHOP franchisee, created this plant-based restaurant to address the lack of fresh, whole food options in underserved communities. Partnering with chef Emeka Onugha, Brick City Vegan offers a menu featuring plant-based sandwiches, bowls and shakes. The concept, which includes two locations in New Jersey, aims to start franchising and seeks patient capital for further growth.

Sip Fresh, founded by Sharon Arthofer, is a beverage concept that offers fresh juices and blended drinks prepared by “sip-istas” in front of guests. The brand focuses on healthier alternatives to sugary beverages and has four locations in Southern California, with plans to open more by the end of the year. Sip Fresh has attracted a mix of experienced franchise operators and new entrepreneurs, positioning itself as a unique player in the competitive beverage market.

Le Dix-Sept, created by Michelle Hernández, is a bakery that blends French pastry techniques with unique botanical flavors. Initially starting at farmers markets, Hernández opened a storefront in San Francisco, with a second location in the works. The bakery is known for its high-quality, visually striking pastries and plans to expand its menu to include sandwiches and breakfast items in the new location.

Finally, The Sports Bra, founded by Jenny Nguyen in Portland, is a sports bar that exclusively features women's sports. The concept has gained significant attention and investment, with plans to franchise and open more locations. This brand caters to a growing audience interested in women's sports, creating a unique and supportive environment for fans.

Chop5, with its innovative approach to healthy dining and experienced founding team, exemplifies the potential for new restaurant brands to thrive in today's competitive market. The focus on digital ordering and plans for drive-thru options highlight its adaptability and forward-thinking strategy.

Read the original article here.

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