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Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs Operator Jake Tedeschi Embraces Wellness Beyond the Gym

Tedeschi recently competed in the Summer Shredding 2023 bodybuilding competition, highlighting his work after a three-year transformation, with hopes to inspire others.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 6:06AM 12/01/23

As leaders in their own communities, owners and operators of Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs, the 19-unit emerging fitness franchise, can play a key role in members’ journeys and perception of what living a healthy life looks like. As such, many make an effort to prioritize fitness and wellness in their own schedules, even in spite of the varied demands that can accompany leading a business. This provides a good example for members, and the leaders become role models of sorts, only supporting their business and the people who rely on it even more. Jake Tedeschi, the Operator of Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs of Monee, Illinois, recently took his lifestyle into the spotlight at Houston’s Summer Shredding 2023 bodybuilding competition.

“That competition has the regular bodybuilding divisions, but they have an added division for people who have gone through a big transformation,” explained Tedeschi. “I started with my transformation three years ago, and I needed a spark to get me over a hump. I knew this would be one of the most challenging things that I could undertake within my industry, and I’m not a person who likes easy things.”

This competition would also be an opportunity for him to spotlight his journey and encourage others who are looking to embark on a similar one.

“I’m showing people that I came from 340 pounds and just took it one day at a time,” he added. “And you could, too. It doesn’t take bells and whistles to get from point A to point B, and I want to inspire other people to take control of their lives one way or another.”

When Tedeschi started his journey three years ago, he did not have big plans to begin leading a local gym or compete in a bodybuilding show. He just wanted to change his life. With health challenges running in the family and less of a commitment to consistent fitness and wellness practices, Tedeschi found himself at a breaking point of sorts.

He decided that enough was enough, and he would address his own habits in hopes of avoiding the diabetes and heart conditions that he was prone to and was uninterested in carrying on from previous generations.

Tedeschi was taking on this lifestyle change as he worked to finish college, and a few months into his journey, he learned he would need to have brain surgery.

“Once all of that was mapped out and I knew it was going to happen, I knew I couldn’t do anything for a while after,” he said. “I was on a lifting restriction for a few months. I needed to heal and recover, but I also had to figure out how I was going to finish college. At that time, there were a lot of things piling up, and it would’ve been pretty easy to stop. I just kept reminding myself why I started and that recovery was already a little bit easier just because I had already gotten into better shape.”

At that point, he had already lost 40 pounds and increased his physical fitness, so the healing process was a bit smoother. Once he was fully recovered, he jumped back in, finished college and joined the Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs team.

Tedeschi Had Always Been an Athlete, but This Journey Further Solidified His Passion for the Industry

“I was an athlete in high school. I was bigger then, but I was very in shape and enjoyed working out,” added Tedeschi. “I went off to college for academics and got a finance degree with a minor in music, but after my surgery and everything, I realized that, whether it was part-time or full-time, I had a passion for training. And not just training people in the gym, but showing people that it’s more than just going to the gym.”

While working out and eating proper foods were both key parts of Tedeschi’s journey, he had a deep passion for helping people understand that fitness and wellness can have benefits beyond just losing weight or gaining muscle.

“We all have things going on with people in our lives or mental things going on, so it’s about attacking those things and using the gym as an outlet,” he added. “I realized I had a passion for working with people on that scope of things, and that’s what led me to go get my training certificates.”

After attending the competition, which served as the punctuation to and highlighted the culmination of three years of hard work, Tedeschi has become passionate about sharing his own story. Through discussing the process and sharing his results, he is able to talk about the roadblocks he faced and some of the steps he took to overcome them. Rather than just “showing off” his success, he sees it as an opportunity to support and encourage both club-level staff and members at his location.

“This type of sharing wasn’t something I intended to do when I first started, but I had some people reach out to me when I would post about the process saying, ‘You going helps keep me accountable’ or ‘You inspired me to start going to the gym,’” said Tedeschi. “Sharing the journey just became a part of the journey, and it ended up being really good, because now I have video of my whole journey from my very first workouts up to my most recent workout.”

Within the fitness industry, bodybuilding is regarded as one of the most challenging feats an athlete can take on. It requires incredible discipline, especially as the competition date nears, and this isn’t always the best option for every person looking to make a lifestyle change. Tedeschi is honest about this aspect of the sport, saying that he doesn’t think everyone needs to be a bodybuilder to make meaningful lifestyle changes.

“It was a welcome challenge for me, but my biggest thing is that no one is going to come make these changes for you,” he explained. “You have to find your balance and still be able to enjoy life holistically, and you have control. We all have that power to find out how we can take control of each day and set the standard.”

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