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1851 Growth Club: We Coach Without a Requirement to Buy

1851 Growth Club CEO Nick Powills is committed to guiding you through your franchising journey, even if that means you decide not to follow through with a purchase.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 3:15PM 10/12/23

1851 Franchise CEO Nick Powills built 1851 Growth Club (also referred to as “Growth Club”) with transparency at its core to ensure you know exactly what you are facing when you dive into franchising. This access to transparency starts from the very beginning of your decision-making process, which is why you are welcome to receive coaching without any requirement to buy.

“We will coach you and educate you through content, workbooks, masterminds, classes and conversations,” explained Powills. “If you don't want to buy at the end of that process, that is no problem.”

Powills once received a valuable, albeit counterintuitive, piece of advice regarding hiring, which was to talk the candidate out of joining your company. By candidly discussing potential drawbacks with candidates and being completely transparent, you are able to find out if they genuinely want to join the company. 

“A similar approach should be taken when buying a franchise,” Powills said. “It’s up to us at Growth Club to lay out all the relevant aspects of buying a franchise. We want to make sure you're fully aware of the obstacles you might encounter. For example, in many cases your dollar is worth $0.90 because of the fees that you're going to pay.”

Growth Club will help you get a realistic overview of what you are getting into when committing to a franchise. The hard work and hustle required will not be sugarcoated, nor will the expectations of the franchisor: “The second you start diverting from following the operations manual, you've now taken a step toward throwing away all the predicted or potential income that you can make that is disclosed in an Item 19 because you're not following the system.”

This is one reason why transparency is vital in your decision-making process when researching franchise options; it allows you to make informed choices that could have a major impact on your potential income.

After the guidance Growth Club offers, if you decide not to buy a franchise, you should still consider this the beginning of a relationship. Someday, you may change your mind and finally feel ready to purchase a franchise. 

“We understand that one of the most challenging aspects of the franchise buyer journey is simply raising your hand and expressing interest in buying one,” said Powills. “Many people consider starting a business instead of buying a franchise, so the fact that you're here is fantastic.” 

Growth Club will work with you to help you find the brand that suits you best. But if the timing isn’t right because you need to build more equity and security before proceeding, there is no pressure. 

“Regardless, we are committed to coaching you without any requirement to make a purchase, as it aligns with our principles here at Growth Club,” said Powills.

To learn more, click here.