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INSIDER: Teaching infants to swim can lead to safer and healthier lives. An Olympic gold medalist breaks down how.

US Olympic gold medalist swimmer and multi-unit Big Blue Swim School franchise owner Alex Vanderkaay shares why it’s important to teach infants floating and swimming skills.

By Gabrielle GianinoContributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 2:14PM 01/06/22

In a recent INSIDER article, Alex Vanderkaay, a USA Olympic gold medalist swimmer and 4-unit franchise partner of Big Blue Swim School, explained the developmental and survival benefits of teaching infants water safety skills. With formal swimming instructions, the risk of young children drowning reduces by 88%, according to a JAMA Pediatrics study.

Infants that learn how to float and swim can have both physical and mental developmental benefits, Vanderkaay told INSIDER. Lessons help children develop basic survival instincts that could save them from drowning. 

According to INSIDER, swim instruction can establish athletic habits at a young age and boost confidence and cognitive function. Through Big Blue Swim School’s instruction, infants are faced with the situation of having to adapt and stay afloat. Through this process, infants learn how to become confident to confront situations they are unprepared for. This can impact how they take on issues later in life and give them the confidence and motivation to overcome their fears.

Read the full article here.


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