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Forbes: Six Tips For Businesses To Leverage Content Marketing For B2B Sales

No Limit Agency and 1851 Franchise’s Nick Powills gives expert tips on how business-to-business marketers need to approach their content strategy.

In a recent article for Forbes, Nick Powills of No Limit Agency and 1851 Franchise discussed six of the best practices for leveraging content marketing for B2B sales, including how to share strategic brand information to drive engagement, how to use Google Ads to complement content and how to identify the characteristics and intentions of a brand’s target audience. 

“All too often, business to business (B2B) marketers hear ‘content marketing’ and dismiss the practice as belonging under the purview of consumer messaging,” said Powills. “I won’t mince words: I believe this is a mistake. Content marketing has to do with advancing a compelling and overarching brand message that leads to a strategic action item. As a business, you can't stay afloat without seeking to drive action from your clients.”

Other tips that Powills gives for brands who are looking to capture prospective client interest with a strong content marketing strategy include utilizing engaging YouTube videos, adopting an integrated spending approach and more.

To read the full article, head over to Forbes.

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