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Why Mathnasium Learning Centers Is Targeting Pennsylvania for Growth

The expert math-only tutoring franchise sees the Keystone State as the perfect market for development.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
SPONSORED 5:17PM 07/02/24

Mathnasium Learning Centers, the expert math-only tutoring franchise, has its sights set on Pennsylvania for franchise growth. With the state ranking 39th in education and 30% of households having children under the age of 18, the state is ripe for development. 

According to Pennsylvania-based Mathnasium franchisee Kama Friedman, the state's diverse and engaged population makes it an ideal market for the brand's growth. “Every market is an ideal market for Mathnasium,” she said. “In Pennsylvania, you have all of the struggles, as well as all of the diverse populations that really look forward to having their children excel in math and want to go above and beyond what’s taught in the classroom.” 

Tailored Services for Local Needs

Mathnasium's ability to customize learning plans is a significant draw for parents in Pennsylvania. 

“We cater to kids whether they've fallen behind, need to keep up, or want to get ahead,” said Friedman. “The demand for Mathnasium's services spans all grade levels from kindergarten through 12th grade.” 

Friedman noted that the franchise focuses on deepening and broadening students' understanding of math concepts rather than rushing them through grade levels prematurely. This approach ensures that each child can grasp the concepts fully and build a strong foundation in math.

Building Relationships with Schools and Educators

One of Mathnasium's key strategies for success in Pennsylvania is fostering strong relationships with local schools and educators. 

“We have Math Nights, where we go into schools and work with families to show fun, unique and inexpensive ways to ‘math’ with their children at home,” Friedman said. These community events, often held in elementary schools, encourage parental involvement and demonstrate the importance of math education outside the classroom.

In addition to Math Nights, Mathnasium engages in various giveback initiatives. These include stocking teacher lounges with snacks and beverages, providing supplies based on teachers' wish lists and organizing contests to support educators. These efforts help build goodwill and a sense of community, further embedding Mathnasium into the local educational landscape.

Addressing Educational Challenges

Friedman noted that while Pennsylvania doesn't face unique educational challenges, the state reflects broader trends seen across the country. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, led to significant learning disruptions that Mathnasium is uniquely equipped to address. 

“Mathnasium's goal is to meet a child where they are, build a customized plan and eventually get them up to their grade level within the school system,” Friedman said.

Advice for New Franchisees in Pennsylvania

For prospective franchisees looking to establish a presence in Pennsylvania, Friedman emphasized the importance of building relationships and being actively involved. 

“Mathnasium is not a turnkey, absentee owner type of place,” she said. “We develop relationships with our students and we offer a personal service to our customers. A lot of relationships — long term relationships — are built that way and maintained that way.” 

Friedman added that many Mathnasium customers remain with the program for years, continuously building their math skills and enjoying the supportive learning environment.

Pennsylvania offers a strong opportunity for Mathnasium's growth, with its diverse population and strong emphasis on education. By tailoring services to local needs, building strong community relationships and addressing common educational challenges, Mathnasium is well-positioned to expand its impact in the state. 

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*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.