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Columbia Star: Mosquito Joe Franchisees Partner with Nothing But Nets

Mosquito Joe Franchisees Trey and Cindy Powell discuss why they decided to partner with Nothing But Nets to help raise awareness and funds to fight malaria in third world countries.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 8:08AM 03/06/18

Franchise brand Mosquito Joe of Columbia owners Trey and Cindy Powell partnered with Nothing But Nets, a global grassroots campaign to raise awareness and funds to fight malaria in third world countries. 

Columbia Star spoke with Powell about his company's efforts to raise money. 

Said Powell to the Columbia Star, “The corporate office introduced us to the opportunity to contribute Nothing But Nets last year, and this really got me excited. Just by networking with friends and through civic groups, we raised about $ 1,600 last year, which allowed the purchase of 82 nets.”

You can read the full article here: