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No Limit Agency's Core Values

The No Limit Agency team reflects on what the company's core values mean to them.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 02/11/16

At No Limit Agency we take our core values to heart. It comes out in our work, our relationships with clients and the way we interact on a daily basis.

Here’s what "Culture of Respect," "Give a Shit" and "Anything is Possible" means to the staff at NLA.

“I care a lot about providing my clients with great results, amazing service, unexpected strategy and building a true relationship with them. If you give a shit, you ideally have happy clients. Happy clients make your job fun. It all works hand in hand.” – Lauren Kaminski

“To me, Culture of Respect means giving quality time to fellow employees and our clients. Really listening, understanding and working toward a task through communication and collaboration.” – Lois Coker

Having core values that we, as a company, came up with together just makes me feel like we're really part of a team here. Everyone is invested in reaching a common goal because we created it together.” – Rachel Stolba

"Giving a shit, is very much an 'actions speak louder than words' idea. It isn't parading around heralding all that you're doing - it's doing it, and doing it well, consistently and without expectation of being praised and/or rewarded every time. Giving a shit to me is the foundation for being dependable to clients and colleagues." – Brian Jaeger

“Give a Shit. It's a simple premise, and it can have an immense impact. No Limit Agency is guided by the idea that if you're passionate about what you do, if you take pride in your work and if you can come home at the end of the day and genuinely feel good about what you've achieved, results will follow. Our office is overflowing with this type of energy. It's infectious. It makes you want to put in your best effort every single day--and then some. Every person here truly gives a shit about what we do and the people we serve, and in the end, it's made me incredibly proud to be a part of this team.” – Megan Ferringer

“NLA's core values remind me to do my best to communicate and collaborate with the smart and talented people around me at the agency in order to produce the best work possible for our clients. By trusting each other to set and achieve ambitious goals, we are able to take pride in what we create.” – Hannah Kramer

"It's can be tough to take a blind leap with someone, but when you are surrounded by talented and smart people like the staff at No Limit, then you are ready for that jump. No Limit is a great place where people can grow and ideas are cheerfully accepted and worked on." – Chris Zois

“NLA's core values to me mean being comfortable with my new coworkers within an hour of my first day here. Knowing that if one of us is having an off day, someone will jump in to help, knowing the same would be done for them. Also with a positive mindset, the bar can never be set too high.” – Sydney Gitelis

“The core values, as a whole, remind me of how well we all work together, as we all helped to define and shape these three ideals. They represent the optimism and effort we all put into this agency to help make it great.” – Michelle Lonnee

“The No Limit Agency Core Values are a great reminder that a group of dedicated, hard-working individuals can aspire to create something great each and every day.” – Andi Summers

“The core values provide guidelines for us as employees to aspire to and follow throughout our career at No Limit Agency.” – Jonny Egan

“I think the NLA core values perfectly embody the spirit of who we are as an agency and who we should strive to be as individuals. Culture of Respect, Giving a Shit and Anything is Possible - when these three values are running on all cylinders, we are invincible.” – Ahmad Yilmaz

“Some days are longer than others, but keeping these core values in mind helps me make sure I'm just as respectful and receptive to all of our clients and my colleagues on any given day. They remind me that I owe that to them." – Andy Sroka

“I think the NLA core values perfectly embody the spirit of who we are as an agency and who we should strive to be as individuals. Culture of Respect, Giving a Shit and Anything is Possible - when these three values are running on all cylinders, we are invincible.” – Brigit Larson

“Marketing, PR and creative development is naturally a collaborative exercise when done correctly. A culture of respect allows NLA to maximize this collaboration and create an environment that builds confidence through appreciation. By helping others accomplish their job one in turn makes it easier to accomplish their own tasks by paying it forward and creating a positive environment.” – Ryan Paul

“Culture of Respect means listening to each other. It's as simple as that. Give a Shit is showing you fucking care. Otherwise, go pick coconuts. And Anything is Possible speaks to never knowing unless you try. If it fails, so what. Get up and do it differently.” – Chad Cohen

“To me, our core values mean that I'm not just doing things because it's my job, but because the work I do can set my teammates up for success. The more "above and beyond" I go, the more I'm making my teammate's job easier, making us ALL happy!” – Sarah Mellema

“To me, trust, respect and appreciation define a relationship and through the No Limit core values we have a way to build stronger relationships with clients and the people that create the agency day in and day out.” – Matt Diaz

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