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Why I Chose No Limit Agency: Scott Thompson

Looking to reinvigorate JAN-PRO and Maid Right's image, Scott Thompson turned to No Limit Agency

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 06/16/16

Since the beginning of franchising, complacency has been a brand’s worst enemy. With the ultimate goal of expansion, franchises are always perfecting their systems. Some brands have failed and burned out. Others have become regional icons. And some brands have managed to grow in significant numbers to become a nationally recognized company.

Since 1991, JAN-PRO and Maid Right have come pretty close to perfecting scalability. With more than 11,000 franchise units worldwide, JAN-PRO has consistently been named one of the franchising industry’s fastest-growing brands. But still, even the best in the business will recognize that there’s always room for improvement.

So when Scott Thompson, the vice president of development for JAN-PRO and sister brand, Maid Right, approached No Limit Agency in October 2014, the goal was two-fold: create more interest in open master franchisee markets and create buzz for unit franchisee recruitment. Through this two-year-old relationship, No Limit Agency has executed a blended approach, leveraging traditional and digital media to attract the different audiences. Since then, JAN-PRO and Maid Right have launched Facebook lead recruitment. They’ve received monthly national media placements. LinkedIn engagement has gone up 100 percent. And the brands have established successful online digital advertising campaigns to increase franchise development awareness and lead generation in targeted market areas.

We talked to Thompson to learn more about his decision to work with No Limit Agency.

How did you hear about No Limit Agency?

Back in 2010, I moved to Atlanta. It was there that I met Nick Powills at the Southeast Franchise Forum. Right away, we hit it off (we even played basketball together). From the very beginning, I thought he was doing something truly unique in the social media space—this was at a time when social media wasn’t really at the forefront of franchising. When I came to JAN-PRO and Maid Right back in 2013, I felt it was time to reinvigorate the brand and put us back on track. My first thought was to find a way to do content marketing on a regular basis to help these brands not only reemerge on, but operate above, the radar. I knew just the guy to contact—Nick.

What in particular drew you to No Limit Agency?

The disruptiveness of No Limit Agency stood out to me. Here was a company not accepting the status quo of what’s always been done. They aren’t afraid to think outside the box. They took a look at new marketing strategies, and figured out how to leverage the changing landscape to generate quality leads rather than simply utilizing traditional methods and portals. No Limit Agency takes the time to listen to your businesses’ needs. They genuinely want to get to know you. They put a customized strategy in place. They get results. Nick and his team don’t stop until they see real, measurable outcomes.

In what ways has No Limit Agency influenced JAN-PRO and Maid Right?

We wouldn’t have the momentum we have right now without No Limit Agency, and we certainly wouldn’t have the traction that we currently have. No Limit Agency brought us into the 21st century from a digital standpoint—before, we had no online presence. Now, the company has helped position JAN-PRO and Maid Right to be a positive, strong culture that a lot of people want to be a part of. It’s like we were revived from this 25-year-old brand to be a little sexier and a little more intriguing.

How has No Limit Agency’s content marketing tool, 1851 Franchise, helped your brands?

1851 Franchise may be a legend in this company. JAN-PRO had always utilized brokers to grow in targeted areas. That method was fine, but we felt like we could do something unique when pursuing expansion in new cities—there had to be a way to get our message across to potential Master Franchisees and the right audience without having to spend a tremendous amount of money. With the help of 1851, we were able to use localized content and advertise and boost across all our social media channels. As a result, we sold territories in Boise, Idaho and Panama and there's a sale that's close to closing in Poland. 

What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about working with No Limit Agency?

If you’re looking for a company to write your typical press release, No Limit Agency isn’t for you. But if you’re looking for a company that will find great stories that really embody your brand’s culture, and then convey that message to the online communities that matter, No Limit is absolutely for you.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.