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Why I Love Working at No Limit Agency

Account Manager Lois Coker shares her story of how she first started working at No Limit and how the agency has changed over the years

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 05/11/16
Account Manager Lois Coker was one of No Limit Agency’s first employees. She has seen the agency transform from a startup PR firm to the full service agency it is today. Here she discusses the early days of the agency, why she left for a brief time, what ultimately led her back to the agency and how it has grown since those early days in Atlanta.

No Limit Agency: How did you first get involved with No Limit Agency?
Lois Coker: I first came into contact with No Limit when I moved back to my hometown of Atlanta after college. No Limit was one the first companies I applied for during that time and I thought my interview with Nick went smoothly. It obviously went well as they hired me and I started as an account coordinator in December 2009.

NLA: Can you explain how the early days of the agency were?
LC: There were only a few other people working at the agency when I started, and it was impressive to see how smoothly the operations were running for an agency of our size.

Nick had dropped everything in his life to start the business in Atlanta; he was taking risks and hiring knowledgeable people to help him achieve his goals of being a full service agency. It was a really cool feeling to be a part of something special and new. I learned a lot about the world of PR through Nick. There was a lot of interaction with him and he was involved in every facet of the agency. I felt we were setting the standards for how a PR agency should work and setting new standards for our clients.

NLA: Were there any aspects of the agency at the beginning you felt were ahead of the time?
LC: One thing that really took the industry by storm when I started was the use of social media for brands. We embraced that immediately and presented to our clients that we needed to be at the forefront of social media.

NLA: What were you doing during your time away from No Limit?
LC: I worked for No Limit for about two years, but then I made a move to Birmingham, Alabama. It was a pretty mutual parting, as I remained friends with everyone at the agency.

I then got a position at the largest ad agency in Alabama, which I wouldn’t have gotten if it weren’t for everything I learned at No Limit. My husband and I then moved to San Antonio, and I worked remotely for the Alabama agency from Texas. But after a while I realized that it might be good for me to have a local job, being that I was brand new to a city and I didn’t know a soul. I wanted to be a part of the city and I wanted to find a job where I could work in an office and connect with people. So I began working for a local credit union in their marketing department.

NLA: So how did you end up back at No Limit?
LC: I was actually already looking for a new job in San Antonio in 2015, when I got a Facebook message from Nick asking me how I was doing. We began talking and he asked me if I would consider coming back to No Limit. I asked if it would be possible for me to work remotely in San Antonio, we worked out the logistics, and everything fell back into place. It was great to know that I would be going back to an environment where there was creative collaboration and I felt valued.

NLA: So you saw No Limit at its inception and worked at other agencies, how has No Limit changed since the first day you walked into the office?
LC: Right off the bat it’s bigger. But it’s a more fully functioning system than it was in the early days. Not that we were unorganized, it was just a smaller operation. Now everyone has defined roles, goals are set and responsibilities are clear. At beginning we were pushing the limits to see what worked and didn’t, and then going above and beyond that mark to create our success thresholds. Now we’re just a more seasoned and well-oiled machine, working at a faster and more efficient pace.

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