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Winning at Life: The Jordan Slack Story

Account Executive Jordan Slack shares her vibrant personality and winning attitude with 1851.

By NoLimit Agency
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 02/29/16
Jordan Slack brings her PR expertise to No Limit Agency as an account executive. Born and raised in Chicago, Jordan decided to spread her wings by attending the University of Iowa. After graduation, she worked at a mid-size PR agency and now brings her positive attitude and skill set to the No Limit Agency team.
No Limit Agency: If you could have dinner with any celebrity (dead or alive), who would it be?
Jordan Slack: John Lennon.
NLA: Where did you graduate?
JS: University of Iowa (Go Hawks!)
NLA: What’s your favorite part about Chicago?
JS: I love the dynamics of the city. No two people you meet are the same, but everyone who in this city lives and breathes Chicago down to their core.
NLA: What were you like as a kid?
JS: You know those puppy gates? They can be used for children too.
NLA: What has been the best advice you’ve ever received?
JS: Recently? That nothing will ruin your 20’s more than thinking you should have your life together.
NLA: Why did you choose to work at NLA? What do you like about NLA?
JS: I love the positive energy NLA had to offer. When meeting with the staff, I felt each person was just as motivated as the next. These are the types of people I ideally wanted to surround myself with in the workplace, and I am so happy to be doing so now.
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