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CBS News Detroit: How To Manage Fall Pet Allergies

Pet Wants owner Jerry Luzynski joins CBS to discuss some of the common allergies and intolerances pets face during the fall season and steps owners should take to help.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 9:09AM 09/05/24

As fall approaches, many people are preparing for their own seasonal allergies, but caring for pets’ potential allergies is just as important. While some cats and dogs will experience symptoms similar to what we do, like watery eyes and itchy skin, this is not the only way they manifest.

Jerry Luzynski, owner of Pet Wants of Chesterfield, joined CBS News to share what pet owners need to know.

“[Pet allergies] are bigger than you would think, but there’s also a misconception that everything is allergy-related,” Luzynski said. “A lot of times, it’s actually intolerance. When we’re talking about allergies for our pets, or even ourselves, it’s related to the immune system. For pets, specifically, it’s measured based on proteins in their skin, saliva and urine, but there’s also a potential comingling of what happens with a pet, especially during the fall, and what they can bring into the house that affects us.”

Luzynski explained that there are common allergies to mold spores and dust mites among both pets and humans. Animals can also have adverse reactions to substances that are not immune-related, and these typically manifest as digestive issues relating to the animal’s food. 

Because these issues can arise over time or change throughout the course of a pet’s life, it is recommended that pets get tested semi-regularly. Pet Wants offers a test using just a hair sample to identify any allergies or intolerances a pet may have, making the process simple and easy to understand for pet parents.

Watch the full interview here.

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