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Health-Conscious Pet Food Brand Educates Owners Nationwide on Holistic Approach to Animal Health and Wellness

Pet Wants strives to build customers for life with fresh, nutritious, tasty food that can improve pet health and well being.

By Katie Porter1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 07/14/22

The animal care industry is a massive one, and it’s steadily growing. As the pandemic saw people staying at home more frequently, many households brought in a furry forever friend or added another to their pack. According to the American Pet Products Association, seventy percent of the nation’s homes, equaling more than 90 million families, have a pet. This has led to the pet food industry continuing to expand, but not always in a positive way.

“The consumer market is uneducated about pet food. They buy into the retail messages that are largely untrue and mask what is happening behind the scenes. People don't know how pet food is produced and handled,” said Paul Kamm, Vice President of Operations explained, noting that it was founded in 2010 to combat this issue. 

Big chain stores like PetSmart and Petco control almost half the market, and the mass-produced names they carry advertise as having quality ingredients, which pet owners believe. But they are being fooled, Kamm warned.

Pet Wants Franchise Is Committed To Better Food 

That’s where Pet Wants comes into play. The 124-unit franchise makes and delivers premium, locally-sourced, hand-crafted pet food. It came into existence after founders Michele Hobbs and Amanda Broughton’s three pets had serious skin and coat issues that were very difficult to cure. The culprit, they discovered, was the quality of their food. This ignited a mission to make sure their animals were eating nutritious food.

The idea to combat this was to make limited-ingredient formulas every month in very small batches. Pet Wants meals are then shipped directly to Pet Wants locations and dispensed as it’s sold and delivered as it is ordered.

Soon, Pet Wants was selling out its monthly supply, and in the years since, the company has expanded to more than 100 locations. Dog and cat owners nationwide can find a distributor nearby who has wholesome, high-quality food that can improve a pet’s health after just a few days. 

Pet Wants  Makes Fresh, Nutritional Food With Quality Ingredients

With many people focusing on clean eating, it’s only right to extend that way of thinking to pets, as well. Once one has an awareness of what is in the big-brand formulas, it’s hard to continue putting it in an animal’s bowl. 

Pet Wants prides itself on having the highest-quality dog and cat food and treats available on the market. The brand focuses on using fresh, top-grade and additive-free ingredients that closely mimic a pet’s natural diet. 

The ingredients include top-grade salmon, duck, whitefish, chicken and lamb, and never have sugar, corn, wheat, soy, artificial colors, animal byproducts or fillers. Each product meets the nutritional levels established by the Association of American Feed Control.

“Pet Wants food is slow cooked in small batches at lower temperatures to maximize nutrient retention. We produce some of the healthiest dog food you can buy,” Kamm noted.

Fresh, Small Batches Is Key To Nutritional Value
A shocking fact that most pet owners don’t realize is that because the major pet food brands mass produce their products, there is often a very long shelf life. It’s not uncommon for six months or more to go by between the time the food is made and when it finally reaches a pet’s bowl, Kamm explained. That span of time means most of the nutritional value of the food diminishes by the time the pet eats it. 

Pet Wants mitigates this by creating small batches and delivering it right to a pet owner’s door once ordered from a local franchisee. The goal is to keep the timeline from production to pets enjoying their meal down to weeks instead of months, meaning they receive it at the peak freshness point.

“When customers hear about Pet Wants, they’re intrigued by the notion that the food is fresh. I think that the challenge we have is to convince people that fresh food is the better way to go,” said Chuck Ryan, owner of Pet Wants Chicago. “A lot of consumers are unaware that they do have choices, that fresher food does make a difference.”