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Pet Wants First Time Franchisee Shatters Sales Record in His First Month in Michigan

Franchising with Pet Wants allowed Jerry Luzynksi to combine his passion for business ownership with his dedication to pet health and a desire to spend more time with his family.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 10:10AM 05/29/24

Although Jerry Luzynski’s background is in data and analytics, it was always his dream to own a small business. While he certainly hoped to succeed in his new career path as a Pet Wants franchisee, his knack for business ownership was made more than apparent when he set a record with the brand for the all-time highest sales revenue within his very first month as a business owner.

Luzynski’s immediate success within the Pet Wants franchise can be attributed to a combination of factors. Embracing the brand’s emphasis and following the corporate team’s guidance on generating awareness through fairs and markets, Luzynski got to work straight away arranging appearances at local events before his training was even finished so that he could hit the ground running. His training also left him feeling confident and prepared to engage with consumers, knowing he could provide them with all the information they needed to understand the value Pet Wants offers pet owners.

“I believe that the guidance they provided was very helpful because it wasn't just being at the events that made the difference. We had to know how to engage with the consumers. The training the brand provided us on the types of food we offer — what's in those foods that make them so healthy and nutritious and fresh, as well as giving us a diverse set of training — was very helpful,” he said. “If we didn't have that, we would have struggled at the events, but we had so much knowledge thanks to our training.”

When initially determining which franchise concept he wanted to pursue, Luzynski had strict expectations and a clear priority. Although Pet Wants’ business model was appealing and the level of support was very impressive, he was looking for a concept his whole family could get truly excited about. Knowing his family’s deep-rooted love for pets, Luzynski realized Pet Wants was the perfect match, meaning he didn’t have to sacrifice time with his family to pursue his dream. Instead, it became a collective dream for all of them. 

“Being an entrepreneur gives you flexibility in your schedule, but early on you're still spending a lot of time there, so you want to do it with those that you love and those that you trust,” Luzynski said. “Being able to spend time with my three kids and my wife in building this business and seeing the different roles they play has already been really fun and it's amazing seeing their growth, too.”

Pet Wants, which emerged from a desire to provide pet owners with high-quality, fresh pet food, stands out for its dedication to freshness and quality. Unlike traditional pet food brands that mass-produce kibble, Pet Wants manufactures food monthly, ensuring optimal freshness for pets. Their vitamin-enriched products prioritize pet health and wellness, offering an alternative to prescription diets at a more affordable price point.

Intrigued by the brand’s focus on pet health and nutrition, the Luzynski family decided to investigate further before committing to the brand. What they found solidified their decision. 

“Two of our dogs passed around 10 years old and it just felt like they had a lot more life to live. After researching Pet Wants, we realized that we could have done better in terms of health and nutrition for them,” he said. “We quickly switched Charlie, our 10-year-old lab, over to Pet Wants’ food, and he's been on it now for a while and it's amazing the gains he has made in terms of energy and a softer coat.”

Looking ahead, Luzynski envisions substantial growth for his business. With plans to transition from a solely mobile business to opening his first retail store by 2025, Luzynski is establishing a strong foothold for his brand within his community and isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.

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