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Building on a Legacy: How Andy Mosman Was Inspired by His Father To Pursue Ownership With Right at Home

After working in the office his parents owned for seven years, Mosman was inspired to increase his impact and invest in his own in-home care franchise.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 7:07AM 06/13/24

Andy Mosman, the current owner of Right at Home of Bend, Oregon, is following in his father’s footsteps. As a kid, Mosman would occasionally accompany his father, who was in medical sales, on work trips. Going in and out of operating rooms, hospitals, and doctor’s offices, Mosman developed an interest in health care, but this was just the beginning.

“I got to meet the doctors and see the operating rooms, and I just thought it was the coolest thing ever,” Mosman said. “That kind of gave me my first glimpse into the health care side of things. But then, when I was 18, my grandmother, Madeline, who is very dear to me, got sick with pancreatic cancer. I chose, during my freshman year of college, to be her primary caregiver.”

Mosman remained involved in the science, health, and caregiving spaces through college and in his early career. When his father bought a Right at Home franchise and opened up in the Eugene area in 2010, he stepped in to help while continuing to work his day job in biomedical research.

About seven years ago, Mosman’s parents approached him about returning to the family business, and he decided to make Right at Home his full-time job. Starting as a staffing coordinator, Mosman climbed the ranks to operations manager and general manager, supporting the business’s ongoing growth through the years. Then, this year, he took over as owner of Right at Home of Bend, and he will continue to provide managerial support for the Eugene location from afar.

While the journey to leadership and ownership involved its fair share of hard work and dedication, Mosman is motivated by his ability to have a real impact on the lives of both his team members and his clients. Having watched his father embrace similar values his entire life, it comes quite naturally to him.

“My dad is definitely a role model for me. I like to say that I’m pretty much the same person as him, he just has a better mustache,” Mosman joked. “But yeah, my dad just treats people well. He’ll strike up a conversation with anyone. Ever since I was young, he has loved spending time with people and always finds the best in them.”

Qualities like these are crucial in the in-home care industry. Right at Home franchise owners find joy in being able to impact the lives of those they serve while also building strong connections with caregivers, clients, and their families. 

In addition to the joy he finds in interpersonal relationships and day-to-day life, Mosman said his father is also a “super feel-good, positive, cheerleader-type person.” This has undoubtedly encouraged Mosman in his journey to leadership and ownership while again modeling a key trait that supports success with Right at Home.

“My father will find any reason to give you a kudos or tell you, ‘Good job,’” Mosman said. “That’s what I strive to be for the people around me. I want to support them in being their best selves and celebrate their victories.”

Now, as Mosman takes on this next phase of his journey with Right at Home, his father continues to provide support and encouragement. During stressful times, he listens, provides support, and reminds Mosman that he has all the tools he needs to succeed.

“He reminds me to have faith in myself, and I really appreciate that,” Mosman said. “He has this nonchalant positivity that’s just effusive, and having that support from him has been really big for me.”

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