Franchise Marketing Radio: Joshua Johns With The Growth Coach
Having consistent support from coaches and business owners creates a more successful and cohesive business experience.
In an interview with Franchise Marketing Radio, the marketing director of The Growth Coach, Joshua Johns, discusses how the company serves small and medium-sized businesses by providing coaching services and insights. Johns explains that The Growth Coach focuses on the business owner, the strategic manager, and sales mastery and provides additional training modules within those three areas.
Johns further explains that the ideal coach and business match are those who “want to make an impact on their community and to make an impact to the business in their community. We also look for people who have been in business their whole life and want to retire and then do this full-time.” The coaches themselves have consistent corporate support and guidance which then leads to the business owners having the same foundation at every step for them.
The Growth Coach is not just intellectual property; it is a community where the coach and business owner are working jointly and without having to generate all the additional assets to have businesses operate successfully.
Listen to the full interview here.