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Servicing the High Seas and Right at Home, Q&A with John Kindred

Indianapolis-based veteran John Kindred is a Right at Home franchisee in landlocked Indiana, but spent 21 years on the ocean as a  member of the U.S. Navy. [caption id="attachment_16386" align="alignright" width="171" caption="John Kindred"][/caption] Tell me a little bit about yoursel.....

By MICHELLE LONNEEDesign nerd & cat enthusiast.
SPONSOREDUpdated 11:11AM 07/22/14
Indianapolis-based veteran John Kindred is a Right at Home* franchisee in landlocked Indiana, but spent 21 years on the ocean as a  member of the U.S. Navy. [caption id="attachment_16386" align="alignright" width="171" caption="John Kindred"][/caption] Tell me a little bit about yourself and why you decided to join the military? I originally joined because I was interested in flying and it presented a personal challenge. I felt proud servicing and protecting my country and it was an exciting time. I served during the Reagan years when communism was prevalent and we were able to see the benefits of our work. How long were you in the military and what branch did you serve in? I served in the Navy for 21 years, from 1978 to 1999. My major duty was to fly various aircraft carriers with a focus on 784 takeoffs and landings. What are some of the top life lessons you learned while in the military? I learned to never, ever quit. I also learned how to take care of people. That’s an incredible life lesson because there are similarities with Right at Home and the military—they provide so much for others. As a result of my experiences, I operate with integrity and I want to help my fellow man. How has your past experience from being active in the military helped you succeed as a business owner? It teaches you perseverance and teaches you people skills. Our clients are always happy with our caregivers and the compassion we show them. Why did you choose to open a Right at Home franchise, and what about business ownership appealed to you? The military gave me a chance to travel the world and I saw how good we had it in the United States compared to the rest of the world. It gave me an appreciation for the great generation that served before I did. Right at Home offered me an opportunity to care for others while leading a business. I always wanted to start my own business. I looked at a number of opportunities but none of them stuck out to me until I found out about the senior home care industry. From my travels and experiences around the world I’ve seen that senior care is one of the things that makes this country great. Do you work with many veteran clients? If so, do they have a compelling story we can share? Is there a special bond between the client and caregiver? Any caregivers who are Vets who are taking care of Clients who are Vets? We currently service eight veteran clients and have two caregivers that do guard duty.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.