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How Emediate Cure Is Revolutionizing Urgent Care and Putting Patients First

Focusing on personalized, community-oriented care, the emerging franchise aims to bring affordable healthcare options to cities across the country.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSORED 4:16PM 08/24/21

In the first half of 2020, as the country slid into the worst public health and economic crisis in generations, more than two out of five working age adults were inadequately insured, leading many Americans to avoid getting the proper healthcare services they needed. 

Even before the pandemic, uninsured or underinsured adults often delayed getting necessary health care and emergency treatment in an effort to avoid healthcare bills that can be as much as four times higher than what insured patients are charged.

That’s something Emediate Cure Quick Care, an emerging urgent care franchise with two clinics currently in operation in the suburbs of Chicago, is working to change.

“In today’s healthcare landscape, everything is corporate owned,” said Emediate Cure Co-Founder and Operations Manager April Kubinski. “Because of that, many Americans struggle to find quality, or even adequate, healthcare at an affordable cost for those with or without insurance. Our clinics are family-owned and people-focused, and we are proud that we have been able to fill the gap in quality care in our communities in Illinois. Now, as we launch our franchise efforts, we are looking to provide this same level of care in new markets across the United States.”

Frustrated by what they experienced in the hospital setting, ER professionals Kubinski and partner Amy Vertin founded Emediate Cure with a mission to provide compassionate, affordable, quality care to those who need it, regardless of income level or insurance carrier. Now, after nearly seven years of operation, the brand has become a trusted and necessary healthcare resource for families in Illinois who value the thoughtful care they receive from Emediate Cure’s staff of dedicated health professionals. 

How Emediate Cure Prioritizes Patients

More than just affordable, Emediate Cure’s community-based model focuses on bringing back the patient/provider relationship that defined healthcare in this country for decades, before the corporate push for profits left a large segment of the population behind. 

Open seven days a week with no appointment necessary, the average wait time at an Emediate Cure center is less than an hour and most test results are turned around in 15 minutes or less. Offering episodic care for patients with healthcare conditions that require treatment and non-life threatening urgent care, the model allows patients to avoid overcrowded and costly emergency rooms and instead receive prompt and professional care from trusted members of their community. While fees vary depending on the level of services provided, general office visits start at $100, and most major insurance plans are accepted. 

“Today, so many people are hit with outrageous wait times before they are able to see a healthcare provider. They can be forced to sit and wait for five to six hours and then, once they are able to see a doctor, the encounter is rushed and only lasts a few minutes. Amy and I saw this firsthand while we worked in Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care clinics and it never sat well with us. We wanted to create a space where patients didn’t have to wait more than an hour to be seen by a healthcare professional and didn’t feel rushed in the appointment,” said Kubinski.

But perhaps the greatest benefit of Emediate Cure’s model is that it provides underserved populations with access to quality health care and the opportunity to build a meaningful patient/provider relationship, which has been shown to positively influence health outcomes

“Our clinics are all about building relationships with patients,” said Vertin. “Over the past seven years, we have seen kids grow up right in front of us. Parents tell us that they continue to visit our clinics because they are comfortable with our staff and they know that our healthcare providers are invested in their family’s care. We take the time to talk in-depth with patients — it makes them feel more comfortable and it also allows our staff to provide better, more personalized care.” 

And it's a model that’s working. Emediate Cure’s community-oriented approach to medicine has earned the brand rave reviews from patients. The brand has near perfect online ratings for both of its locations from more than 3,500 happy patients.

With a goal of bringing people-focused healthcare to the populations who need it most, Kubinski and Vertin are looking for local franchise partners in towns across the country who share their passion for high-quality, comprehensive and accessible healthcare. 

For more information on franchising with Emediate Cure, visit