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How Fresh Coat Franchisees Are Hitting the Ground Running and Growing Their Business

Franchisees Patrick Dew and Andrew Hughes have rapidly scaled their painting businesses through comprehensive support, strategic networking and community engagement.

Fresh Coat Painters, the residential and commercial painting franchise, is committed to providing comprehensive support and innovative systems to empower franchisees to hit the ground running and scale their businesses effectively.

Patrick Dew: From Manufacturing to Mastering the Painting Industry

Patrick Dew, the owner of Fresh Coat Painters of Beaumont, has seen impressive momentum since starting his business in January of 2024. In just six months, he’s expanded his business to around $25,000 a month in revenue.

Originally working in the manufacturing sector, Dew was laid off last year and quickly discovered the world of franchise ownership. “I chose Fresh Coat because of the attention to detail and the ability to hire people and scale faster,” he said. “This was more suited to the type of work I wanted to do, involving customer interaction and efficient project management.”

Within just a month of opening, Dew says he began to yield results. He attributes his swift start to the comprehensive onboarding process, which includes a roadmap of essential tasks, software for quoting and a wealth of instructional videos.

“The level of support is incredible,” said Dew. “There's 200 years of expert knowledge at Fresh Coat, and I can always call someone for advice. Normally, it takes around 90 days to get started, but I was able to go through the process faster because I was very eager to get going.”

This same drive has also fueled Dew as he prioritizes grassroots marketing, such as joining BNI groups, passing out door-hangers and wrapping his truck, to get the Fresh Coat name out into the community. 

“Everywhere I go, the Fresh Coat brand comes along with me,” he said. “It's about giving people a good experience and making sure they are well informed so I get more reviews on Google. I’m already up to about 10 reviews. Any project is worthwhile — I won’t turn down anything.” 

Now, Dew has plans to scale the business, hire more team members and eventually become the biggest consumer of Sherwin Williams paint in Southeast Texas. He also hopes to be named Fresh Coat’s Rookie of the Year winner this year.

Andrew Hughes: Engineering Success in Augusta

Andrew Hughes, the owner of Fresh Coat Painters of Augusta, brings an engineering mindset to his franchise. A mechanical engineer with experience in real estate, Hughes was tired of the corporate world and began searching for a customer-facing business that involved working directly with homeowners. He found the perfect opportunity in the painting industry, which doesn't require years of apprenticeship like other trades. 

He opened his Fresh Coat business in May of last year and quickly achieved impressive revenue milestones. By the fourth month, he was generating $30,000 in revenue, which grew to $50,000-plus by November. Currently, his monthly revenue averages around $80,000, with ambitions to hit the $100,000 mark soon.

“Fresh Coat allows you to grow as fast as you want,” Hughes said. “For me, I want to pour gas and grow as fast as possible.”

Hughes’ approach to growth focuses on following Fresh Coat's proven processes and leveraging its comprehensive support systems. As a newcomer to business ownership, he found the structured plan and tools provided by Fresh Coat invaluable.

“I wanted a plan that I could implement,” said Hughes. “Fresh Coat gives you tools for hiring, marketing and operations. It's all about how quickly you can follow that blueprint.”

Networking plays a crucial role in Hughes’ business development strategy. He actively participates in local groups and events, such as BNI and real estate conferences, to generate leads and build community relationships.

“Start with the hands you shake,” said Hughes. “You can pay for marketing, and that will be a lead that comes to you less warm than a lead that you worked hard to generate. Get to know people, offer value and the community will start to give back to you.”

Hughes collaborates with another small business owner to offer nursery makeovers for expecting parents, for example, showcasing a commitment to giving back and fostering local connections.

“It's been a whirlwind so far,” Hughes said. “It's been really fun growing the business, meeting new people and networking. Now, the fun part is building out the team so I can move away from the day to day and spend more time building awareness in the community.”

Fresh Coat's Winning Formula

Overall, Fresh Coat Painters provides franchisees like Dew and Hughes with a recession-resistant business in a thriving industry, comprehensive support, cutting-edge technology and opportunities for community engagement. Franchisees benefit from Fresh Coat's national accounts, marketing support and innovative tools like Smart Quote and the Fresh Coat Academy.

Fresh Coat's commitment to franchisee success is further demonstrated by programs like the Winner's Circle, which allows franchisees to recoup their entire franchise fee by achieving growth milestones.

With 174 territories across the country, the plan is to double the unit count over the next three or four years. Now, the Fresh Coat team is looking for franchisee prospects across the country to make that happen. For those hoping to start a new chapter in their professional lives, Fresh Coat Painters presents a compelling opportunity to hit the ground running and achieve lasting success.

For more information on owning a Fresh Coat franchise, visit

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.