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1851 Growth Club: Commission Structure

To remove some of the unfair politics that are common within broker networks, the commission model is set at $20,000 per deal.

By Luca Piacentini1851 Franchise Managing Editor
SPONSOREDUpdated 11:11AM 10/13/23

The 1851 Growth Club, the transparent and inclusive hub of all things franchising, understands that money can make things complicated. That is why they have prioritized a commission structure set at $20K per finalized deal. 

“Our commission structure may not be for everyone,” said Nick Powills, CEO of Growth Club and publisher of 1851 Franchise. “While other networks might encourage franchisors to pay more — and you're welcome to explore those options — any lead processed through our system adheres to this rate.” 

So, how does a universal commission aid in promoting transparency? 

“This removes some of the politics [that are] common within broker networks, ensuring no franchisors get blacklisted for saying ‘no’ and helps tell the right stories to the right franchisees,” said Powills. “For those looking for a higher volume of quality deals, we can offer you a transparent model that fits into your budget and helps you build scaling franchisees.”

Ultimately, Growth Club aims to clarify the franchising process for franchise candidates, accommodate franchisor budgets, and foster the growth of brokers or consultants within the club. 

“While our model isn't universally appealing, we don't seek to cater to everyone,” said Powills. “We respect and support brokers who guide others toward business ownership with integrity. We celebrate small business owners and entrepreneurs. If our model isn't to your liking, you're still welcome to utilize other facets of Growth Club without committing to our inventory.” 

Those interested in joining Growth Club can reach out directly and schedule a call. There's no obligation to purchase anything, and there's no harm in gathering more information on how the Growth Club community can help you achieve your goals.

“Our goal is to cultivate an inclusive membership, and we'd be thrilled to have you join, even if certain aspects might not resonate with you at this time,” said Powills. “If you prioritize volume that maintains quality, then perhaps our commission structure aligns with your goals.”

Learn more here