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Why This 40-Year Construction and Engineering Professional Became One of ILEC’s Newest Franchisees

Ted Turner joins the esteemed team of coaches at the fast-growing executive coaching franchise.

By Helen Harris1851 Franchise Staff Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 01/13/22

Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching, the world’s top executive coaching franchise with a purpose to accelerate the development of leaders while helping organizations build and sustain strong cultures, continues to attract world-class leaders as franchisees such as Ted Turner.   

Launched in 2010 by award-winning executive coaching authority John Mattone and franchising legend Terry Powell, ILEC offers a suite of award-winning training, certification and proprietary tools that allow the brand to measure its program’s ROI. Familiar with the leadership brand’s credibility, Turner decided to apply his 40 years of experience in construction and engineering to leadership coaching. 

Turner described his career as one that covered “all types of construction from shipyard and maritime to high-end residential, and a lot of commercial high rises and mixed-use type building,” he said. However, the bulk of his assignments were “mega projects,” spanning airports, refineries, power plants and liquified natural gas (LNG) terminals.

Armed with his unique knowledge of the construction and engineering space, Turner says he has worked in roughly 17 different countries and on four continents. These cross-cultural experiences equipped Turner with the skills to bring people together, build culture and make leadership teams stronger by setting a unified vision.  

“You're often literally bringing people together from all over the world. There are different cultures, languages, religions, but you’re still building a team and creating a common ground for everyone,” said Turner. 

So when Turner decided to take a year off after his 40 years of work and really re-evaluate what he wanted to do with the rest of his career, the answer came from what he had truly done best over the past few decades: developing individuals, management roles and leadership teams.

“Those are the things that I've enjoyed the most, but I also really love the challenge of constructing something. I love the idea that there’s something permanent there for years to come. But there came a point when I needed to regroup,” said Turner. “So I thought, ‘Okay, how do I make a second career developing individuals and building teams and cultures?’ And my search for different opportunities led me right to ILEC. It has a really unique offering, and I was impressed with ILEC co-founder John Mattone’s background of being the world's top executive coach.”

"Ted offers a unique kind of experience in an industry that is currently booming amid the pandemic,” said Mattone. “Many companies are growing too fast and missing the strategic pivot needed to maintain talent and business. This is why we are so excited to have partnered with Ted — he is able to offer these companies and leaders his years of experience and teach them how to grow strategically rather than chaotically." 

Turner, having been with ILEC for six months now, is already effectively leveraging his areas of influence in construction, engineering, rotating equipment, oil and gas, petrochemical, LNG, aviation, mixed-use high rise and K-12 to postgraduate education. He says he’s eager to pave the way for more struggling leaders and managers. 

A recent Gallup poll found only 18% of managers demonstrate a talent for managing and mentoring others, which means 82% of managers are not adept at leading people. This lack of leadership costs U.S. corporations up to $550 billion annually. The need for talented leaders to train other leaders is profound, and ILEC is working to fill the need of executives who lack experience or perhaps don’t have the tools or training to do their jobs effectively.

ILEC’s purpose is to accelerate the development of these leaders while helping organizations build and sustain strong cultures. ILEC coaches go through six rigorous training programs for their Master Certification and most importantly, ILEC’s training equips coaches with the ability to hold leaders accountable, especially through a challenging change initiative. 

Turner stated that the opportunity to work as an executive leadership coach is a new, exciting challenge every day and that’s one of the many reasons why he chose this route as his next career. 

“It's a broad spectrum, and that's one of the reasons why I went into leadership,” said Turner. “I have clients in consumer goods, other franchise systems, leather goods, some construction companies, trade organizations and I’ve also had some conversations with a couple of nonprofits. It’s a new chance every day to impact a new industry and make a change in a leader’s life.”

About Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC)

Established in 2010, Co-Founder John Mattone is globally recognized as the world’s #1 authority on Intelligent Leadership (IL), the world’s top executive coach, and the pioneer of the unique, powerful and game-changing Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching® blueprint for success. Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching® (ILEC) is the world’s top executive coaching franchise dedicated to growing leaders, building cultures, and driving results. Co-Founder and Visionary Entrepreneur, Terry Powell, brings 40 years of Franchising experience to the team. The ILEC unique coaching methodology provides a proven philosophy, system and tools to empower leaders and future leaders to unlock and unleash their potential. ILEC clients benefit from a high ROI that delivers real results. For more information on working with ILEC, visit