Legal Suits on the Rise for Restaurants Lacking ADA Accessible Websites
Although physical accommodations may be necessary, individuals are also seeking ADA-friendly websites.
Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in litigation within the hospitality industry brought under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While most are in regards to physical accommodations, recent cases have come up concerning digital barriers for individuals with disabilities. Today, there are more restaurant websites brought into lawsuits as a result of lacking ADA accommodations.
According to Modern Restaurant Management, in 2018, there was a 181% increase in ADA website litigation since 2017. The reason for the increase is due to businesses being sued for websites that are allegedly inaccessible to people with disabilities.
Michelle Anderson, a law partner with Fisher Phillips reported to Modern Restaurant Management that the top business sectors most targeted by lawsuits are retail and food service.
To save a company’s website from such a legal situation, brands that rely heavily on digital and online traffic need to update their media. Such a redesign should not only accommodate vision and hearing impairments, but it also recognize current adaptive software and technology that can be used to assist individuals with disabilities.
As more restaurants experience a rise in digital orders, it’s advised to consult with a professional web designer as they will modify the website to be accessible for individuals with disabilities. Creating an ADA-accessible website will preemptively save a business from unwanted expenses due to legal cases.
Read the full Modern Restaurant Management article here.