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ReUp Living is a prop-tech platform that digitizes brokers’ property portfolios. Here is how the CEO came up with the idea and how he is leveraging the franchise model to expand.

By Erica InmanStaff Writer
SPONSORED 8:08AM 07/17/24

In this episode of the Business Spotlight Series, host Kay Coté interviews Ryan Sawchuk, the CEO and founder of ReUp Living — a prop-tech platform that is working to transform the housing market — about his background, his journey into entrepreneurship and ReUp’s business model.

Sawchuk shared his initial motivation for his entrepreneurial journey, which was inspired by a friend's struggle — a struggle heightened by the housing market — during the pandemic, and the innovative solutions ReUp Living offers to help homeowners maximize their property values.

ReUp’s company structure, which reaps all of the advantages of its franchise model, has allowed for rapid expansion and the inclusion of local expertise. 

“One of the things I really, really like about the franchise system is that I have business owners who are a part of ReUp who — I could have all the money in the world, but I could never hire them,” said Sawchuk. “They don't want to work for somebody; they want to own their own business. Having them be a franchise owner and be their own business owner means that they come into the ecosystem with all their knowledge, all their expertise and also all their contacts that they have in the local area. It really really helps us hit the ground running and expand very very quickly.”

In his role as CEO, Sawchuk focuses a lot of his attention on capital raising, financial management and product development. The company's growth to nearly 60 employees is a testament to the success of the brand so far.

The brand in general is based on innovative ideas and modern solutions. ReUp digitizes brokers' property portfolios, requiring only a 2D schematic floor plan and a cell phone walkthrough video. Reup’s underwriting team analyzes these to create a digital instance of the property and assess ways to extract value for sellers. For houses in good condition, the brand recommends listing as-is, but with ReUp’s platform to help buyers visualize modifications. For properties needing significant renovation, ReUp fronts the renovation costs and coordinates the work through its franchises, stopping short of final finishes. This allows buyers to customize final touches like paint colors and countertops before moving in.

Sawchuk’s inspiration came from personal experience in remodeling his home and wanting a low-risk way to visualize changes before making expensive commitments. In terms of marketing, ReUp started with minimal budget, leveraging phone calls to real estate agents. As it grew, its franchisees began co-funding marketing efforts. Each franchise is paired with a sales development representative to drive sales.

Looking ahead, Sawchuk aims to make ReUp a comprehensive home management system that helps homeowners maintain and enhance their properties throughout the ownership lifecycle. This would enable homeowners to maximize their property's value and reinvest in new homes.

To watch the full video, click here.

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