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The 5 Essential Elements of Any Franchise Website

Maximize your franchise’s online effectiveness by incorporating these five essential website elements that can help attract, engage and support franchisees.

Creating a successful franchise website is about more than just having a digital presence; it’s about creating a hub that attracts potential franchisees and supports current owners. 1851 Franchise spoke with Dima Lepokhin, co-founder of — a design studio that creates brand identities and product experiences — for his insights on the essential elements that every franchise website should include.

Easy-To-Navigate Sections

A well-structured website ensures visitors can easily find the information they’re looking for. For a franchise website, clear and intuitive navigation is crucial because users often come with specific questions in mind. Sections should be clearly labeled and straightforward, providing a seamless user experience. These may include: 

  • Brand Mission and Values: Clearly define what your brand stands for.
  • About the Team: Showcase the leadership and team that drive the brand.
  • Why Our Product Stands Out: Highlight what makes your product or service unique in the market.
  • Where We’re Growing: Provide information on expansion opportunities and market availability.
  • Investment Costs and Earning Potential: Be transparent about the financial aspects of the franchise.
  • Testimonials from Real Franchisees: Offer real-life success stories to build trust and credibility.

These sections should address the primary concerns of potential franchisees while serving as a valuable resource for existing franchisees who need quick access to key information.

Individual Location Pages

For franchises with multiple locations, individual location pages are a must. These pages should be tailored to each specific location, providing localized content that resonates with the community. 

“By speaking to customers on a hyper-local level and through their specific location searches, the new individual pages helped drive more customers through the door,” said Lepokhin. As an example, he described a project he worked on for a coffee shop franchise with over 10 locations across Barcelona. Initially, all the shops were promoted on a generic “Find a Location” page; when redesigning the site, created custom pages for each shop, incorporating photos, specialty menu items and unique store details. 

“Shop managers provided photos of their spaces along with information on any specialty drinks or pastries unique to that shop,” Lepokhin said. “Six months after the launch, not only had traffic to individual pages grown, but they also noticed a correlation with an increase in orders placed through their mobile app.” 

SEO Integration

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for increasing the visibility of your franchise website. Proper SEO integration involves structuring your content with relevant titles, meta descriptions and headings to ensure search engines can easily index your pages.

“Ensure all pages are indexed by search engines by checking for broken links and adding XML sitemaps,” said Lepokhin. “The right choice of keywords analyzed for search volume and competitiveness when integrated across the content and code helps rank higher in search results.”

A well-optimized site will make it easier for potential franchisees and customers to find you.

Strategic Color Use

The colors you choose for your website play a significant role in conveying your brand identity and influencing user behavior. The strategic use of colors can guide users through the site, making their experience more intuitive and engaging.

“Having a consistent color palette across the branding creates familiarity and recognition,” said Lepokhin. “The right hues combined with adequate color contrast helps text and elements stand out, guiding users through their journey seamlessly.”

For example, blue is often associated with trust and reliability, making it an excellent choice for sections that deal with investments or brand values. Meanwhile, warm tones like red and orange can evoke excitement and energy, making them ideal for call-to-action buttons or promotional sections.

An Inquiry Form

An easily accessible and straightforward inquiry form is a crucial component of a franchise website. This form should be strategically placed on multiple pages, including the homepage, contact page and sections where potential franchisees are likely to request more information.

A well-designed inquiry form is essential for effectively capturing potential franchisees’ interest. It should focus on gathering only the necessary details, such as name, email, phone number and area of interest, to avoid overwhelming the user. Incorporating a strong and clear call-to-action, like “Request Franchise Info,” encourages users to complete the form. Additionally, the form should include follow-up options, allowing users to specify whether they prefer to be contacted via email or phone. By making it easy for interested parties to connect with your brand, you significantly increase the likelihood of converting inquiries into franchisees.

Incorporating these five elements into your franchise website will not only improve user experience but also enhance your brand’s credibility and reach.

To learn more about growing a franchise, check out these related 1851 Franchise articles: 


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