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What Sets Scoop Soldiers Apart from Its Competitors

The pet waste removal franchise leverages full-service offerings, provided by highly trained employees, to provide a top-notch customer experience.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 10/04/23

With over 40 locations and counting, Scoop Soldiers, the “pooper scooper” franchise, continues to differentiate itself with its range of service offerings and simply superior client experience. While the pet waste removal concept addresses a largely untapped market, it does so thoroughly, bringing hard-to-find service offerings to the markets it enters and providing a client experience that combines the personal touch of a local business with the high-tech management of a large conglomerate.

Scoop Soldiers is growing quickly in multiple markets, and I firmly believe that our success can be attributed to the business model — specifically the range and quality of services we offer,” said E.J. McCoy, founder and CEO of Scoop Soldiers. “In addition to the standard pet waste removal services, we offer deodorizer and sanitation add-ons, and we work as a team with each client to ensure their needs are met.”

Many families engage Scoop Soldiers for pet waste removal service, which can be completed on a one-time basis, biweekly, weekly or on another time frame that works best for the family and number and size of dogs. While pet waste removal is an important part of keeping a clean, safe yard, it is not the only necessary step. 

Scoop Soldiers recognizes the health hazards and additional inconveniences that unaddressed pet waste can cause, and it has supplemental service offerings to fully address the issue. With a deodorizer add-on, Scoop Soldiers use a blend of non-toxic, natural enzymes to fully neutralize any pet waste and urine odors that were not removed with scooping alone. 

Similarly, the sanitation add-on addresses any lingering bacteria and parasites that may have been present in the waste. Scoop Soldiers only needs access to a home’s spigot to complete this service, and it leaves a yard and other outdoor spaces clean and much safer for pets to return to play.

For many local owners, the increased number and added flexibility of services is enough of a differentiator for Scoop Soldiers to stand out above other pet waste removal concepts. This certainly expands the potential streams of revenue available to a franchisee, but the entire system is also built on an impressive foundation. When a franchisee launches their business, they are backed by a team of professionals who are just as passionate about the Scoop Soldiers mission as owners themselves, and everyone works in conjunction to provide a top-notch client experience. This keeps clients happy and encourages return business, meaning franchisees can focus on growing the business and streamlining processes rather than addressing client concerns or unexpected inefficiencies.

Scoop Soldiers Approaches Customer Service Differently

The supplemental services available through Scoop Soldiers serve to draw new clients in, but the positive customer service experience is often what makes them stay.

“I’m really proud of the account managers in our Client Care Center,” explained Cynthia Hernandez, vice president of operations. “We go through a very rigorous hiring process because this is not a standard call center; our account managers are hand-selected, highly trained individuals that care about you and your dogs.”

Scoop Soldiers franchisees provide an extra level of confidence for each client by sending a photo of a secured gate at the end of each service — certainly a key differentiator, but really just the start.

Hernandez pointed out that many standard call centers have a maximum amount of time a representative can spend with a client. More often than not, this results in a rushed, less-than-personal feel. Scoop Soldiers has the opposite, encouraging each account manager to truly talk through clients’ needs and updates.

“We take notes when our clients tell us what’s going on with their dogs,” she added. “Our account managers know your dog’s name. They know when the dog has an important vet visit coming up, and they’ll check back to make sure everyone is well after the fact. Just like the guys in the field will fill up a water dish, play with the dog a bit or take a photo of the dog alongside the gate photo, our account managers are all very passionate about taking care of the dogs as best we can.”

With ongoing training and a collaborative approach to goal-setting, Hernandez says the entire client care team is able to come together to think about the future of the organization and how they each can play a role. Everything comes together as a team effort, whether that is a partnership between an account manager and client, account manager and franchisee or accounts team and larger franchise system to ensure the right results are reached.

“We have a servant-hearted leadership team, and that comes through in a big way,” said Hernandez. “I’m not here to dictate anything. E.J. isn’t here to dictate anything. Everything we do is in a support role… We all know what the end goal is, and we all want to do what we can to help reach it. I like the word ‘teamwork,’ but what we do is more symbiotic than that. It’s more cohesive. Everyone is clear on what the goal is and how their actions impact our ability to achieve it. Everyone understands the value of putting their focus where it matters — with the client experience.”

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