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CNN Money: Just In Time For Taco Day: Chipotle Adds Chorizo

On the day before Taco Day, Chipotle announces chorizo as a new menu item for their restaurants across the country.

The ultimate Taco Tuesday--Taco Day--is coming up tomorrow and Chipotle has quite the surprise for customers in the U.S. According to a recent CNN Money article, the company is adding chorizo to its U.S. restaurants starting on Tuesday. The spicy sausage has been tested in select markets including San Diego and Manhattan in June.

“Our chorizo is made with Responsibly Raised chicken and pork, and provides a delicious new option that fits perfectly with the rest of our menu,” said Steve Ells, founder, chairman and co-CEO of Chipotle.

 The brand has introduced a few new initiatives including kids eat-free promotion on Sundays during September, and their summer loyalty program that recently ended this past week. After E.coli, salmonella, and norovirus outbreaks last year, these efforts are helping work towards winning customers back. After a 6% drop in customer satisfaction from last year, the company is hoping new menu items and promotions will help increase the percentage in 2016.  

Check out the full article here.