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Enjoy The Benefits Of Trying New Things & Never Be Afraid To Fail

If you don’t put yourself and your work out there, you’ll never know the full extent of the success you might achieve.

Everyone fails, and failure doesn’t feel good. But the fear of failure holds you back. It prevents you from attempting and possibly accomplishing great things. In this video, I talk about why you should never be afraid to fail and why it’s important to recognize the benefits of trying new things.
You know that novel of yours that stays hidden in the drawer or in your heart? It has ZERO chance of becoming a New York Times Bestseller. If you don’t put yourself and your work out there, you’ll never know the full extent of the success you might achieve.
Try and fail, but never fail to try. You should never be afraid to fail, because that fear separates you from success. The benefits of trying new things are bound to outweigh any potential drawbacks.
Do you hesitate to put yourself out there? Do it anyway! Be willing to be vulnerable. Be okay with trying and failing – if that’s what happens. Make that video, start that blog, write that book, launch that business, or apply for that new job.
One of the benefits of trying new things is that you build momentum for continued action. The more you put yourself out there, engage with the world, and go after your dreams, the more comfortable you’ll become with being uncomfortable.
If you’re unwilling to try because you’re too afraid you’ll fail, it’ll be tough for you to reach your goals. Take the risks that can result in huge payoffs. Always be open to success, and never be afraid to fail.
Carrie is a frequent keynote speaker on HR and leadership topics and regularly conducts employee training and leadership development workshops as well. She is the author of the recently published book, Restaurant Operator's HR Playbook: Your Hands-On Playbook for Finding, Hiring, and Developing Leaders and Implementing Organized People Systems and has been featured in EntrepreneurRestaurant NewsPizza Today and Independent Restaurateur.