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Melting Pot ‘Stirs up Fun’ with Three-Hour Fox & Friends Appearance

The fondue franchise joined the team at Fox & Friends in Fox Square for a meal and a chat about the future of the brand.

By Morgan Wood1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSOREDUpdated 4:16PM 08/31/23

With 94 locations and growing, The Melting Pot, the franchise system synonymous with fondue, is taking off nationwide. With more consumer demand than the current franchise footprint can handle, franchisees are well-positioned to succeed.

To highlight the model, CEO Bob Johnston, accompanied by two franchisees and a Melting Pot chef, appeared on Fox & Friends for three hours on August 2, broadcasting the opportunity to over one million viewers.

“The Melting Pot is very special because it’s a place where you get to interact with your food,” said Johnston. “It’s a celebration, whether it’s a date or family or a large party. Everybody enjoys gathering around the fondue pot. It’s about what’s in the fondue pot as much as it’s about what’s around it, too.”

Because the Melting Pot offers a memorable experience that hinges so heavily on the people in the restaurant, it is important that franchise owners are genuinely committed to and passionate about the restaurant. 

A prime example of this are Mark and Carla Rosenthal, who own four Melting Pot locations. Johnston explained that the pair, who have been with The Melting Pot for three decades, are a prime example of great franchisees — the reason the brand continues to succeed.

As it works to address ever-persistent demand nationwide, The Melting Pot is targeting development in Memphis, Houston, Birmingham, Charleston, Fort Worth, Greensboro, Chattanooga, Huntsville and Montgomery.

Total investments range from $1.3 million–$2 million. For more information, visit