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No Limit Agency, Philly Pretzel Factory Spotlighted for Social Success

The PR firm and pretzel chain exemplify how to garner results on social media.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 6:06AM 04/28/15

The Chicago Business Journal recently highlighted how Chicago-based PR firm No Limit Agency* was able to turn a picture of a pretzel into Internet gold for Philly Pretzel Factory last week.

Speaking with agency founder and Chief Brand Strategist Nick Powills, the Journal detailed how quick thinking and social media ingenuity came together to create the perfect brand moment. Once news of Tim Tebow’s signing to the Philadelphia Eagles started to spread, No Limit and Philly Pretzel put their heads together and created a pretzel in Tebow’s signature pose, a picture of which the agency posted to social media.

“We never expected the picture to go viral the way it did,” said Dan DiZio, CEO and co-founder of Philly Pretzel Factory, a 140-plus-unit pretzel chain born and bred in Philadelphia. “We have huge hometown pride here at Philly Pretzel Factory, and we wanted to celebrate Tim Tebow’s signing with the Eagles. What better way to say ‘welcome’ than with his very own pretzel?”

The rest, as they say, is history.

“The Facebook posting was all it took for word of the Tim Tebowing pretzel stunt to start spreading like the proverbial wildfire,” Chicago Business Journal reporter Lewis Lazare said. “Within two hours, the image had gotten 705 tweets and 446 likes on Facebook. ESPN was among the early tweeters of the news. Other news organizations began to pick up on the Tebowing pretzel news through social media channels.”

Soon everyone’s favorite pretzel was showing up in The Washington Post, USA Today, CBS News, Sports Illustrated, Today and more.

Social media is changing. We all know this. It is now more important than ever to ensure your social moments also carry over to traditional media,” Powills said. “The traditional media now covers viral moments, in that they are waiting for fun tidbits to lighten up their news and engage with their audiences. With the Philly Pretzel Tebow moment, they can now ride out all of the traditional media buzz, as well.”

Read the full story here.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.