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QSR Magazine: Fransmart names Dustin Snyder COO

The addition to the leadership team will focus on strengthening internal efficiency

By Madeline LenaStaff Writer
3:15PM 07/17/18

Virginia-based restaurant franchise development company Fransmart revamped its organizational structure by hiring Dustin Snyder as its new Chief Operating Officer. A QSR Magazine article detailed the decision to create the position for Snyder, a veteran sales analyst who will now oversee the assembly and output of Fransmart’s sales and marketing teams as well as its strategic planning.  

Fransmart Founder and CEO Dan Rowe said Snyder’s ability to assemble consistently high-performing teams and streamline processes is what led to his hiring.  “Leveraging world class franchise marketing strategies to attract the best possible franchisees, and having high-functioning, well-equipped sales teams maximizing the franchise sales of each of our portfolio brands is what separates Fransmart from the rest of the crowd,” Rowe said.

Read the full article here.