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Weekly Web Roundup

The 1851 Franchise staff is here to blow your mind, figuratively of course, with the most interesting links from the past week

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 5:17PM 04/06/16
To remind people that Tax Day is coming, PJA Advertising and Marketing and Thomson Reuters’ internal creative team produced a new video for Thomson Reuters’ Checkpoint tax reference guide Quickfinder. The tongue-in-cheek video pokes fun at the ridiculous lengths people go to find tax deductions. – Sarah Mellema
Ever push yourself to stretch your workout to an extra hour? Well, you may be overdoing it, as researchers discovered how much exercise is appropriate for most middle-aged adults. – Lauren Moorman
Nearly 10,000 people in the village of Idomeni, Greece are living in make-shift homes made of tents and tarps. The vast majority of these people are refugees and migrants who are looking to just get by. – Matt Diaz
When we make our ascent to space and build space colonies, we may need a place to crash. Thankfully for us, SpaceX launched an inflatable habitat to the International Space Station (ISS). It will be attached to the Tranquility model for two years to test if it is worthy of inhabitants. – Ryan Paul
Ever been tired of those boring horoscopes you read in the paper? Well for those that are looking a fresh new take on their astrological signs can look to rapper Kool A.D. – Andi Summers
Can y’all feel that? South Beach bringing the heat. Miami is an eclectic place, full of fascinating people. Thrillist put together a list paying tribute to Miami and the people that inhabit it. – Chad Cohen
Shockwaves, will more of a small ripple was sent through the grammar community, as The Associated Press announced that “internet” and “web” will no longer need to be capitalized. No longer will journalists have to lean over to their colleagues to ask “hey is internet capitalized?” – Chris Zois